Chapter 7

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Justin was playing with my hair, when I woke up. I looked up at him, he smiled and so did I.

"Tonight is the last night we can cuddle, I'm going to miss waking up to you every morning." I told Justin

"I know. Today is just going to be a movie day for us."

"Ok but I gotta have a shower."

"Ok well I'm going to go home and take one too. I'll be back later."


Justin got up out of bed. He walked down stairs, out his shoes on and walked out the front door. I ran up the stairs jumped in the shower. I got out, wrapped my towel around me. I walked into my room, grabbed a hoodie, and some sweats. Pulled my hair up in a messy bun. I ran down stairs and ate a poptart. Justin came in the door, he had some sweats and hoodie in too. He had a gray beanie on. Oh the way he looked in beanies. Justin walked over and sat down. I tossed him a pop tart and some milk. He ate. We both got done, walked back up to my room and put a movie in. We got under the covers. Justin held his arm around me with our hands locked. I had my head laying on his chest. Justin played with my hair, with his other hand.

"I love you." Justin mumbled

"I love you too!"

The movie started. Justin would laugh every now and than. His laugh was so cute. My dad texted me.

"Be home around 12 tomorrow. Going school shopping sometime"

"Oh ok see you than"


We watched 4 movies. We got up. We walked down stairs. Justin cooked us roman noodles. We ate. We went back up stairs. We put in another movie. We snuggled under the covers. Justin held me tight. I fell asleep.

Next day

Justin woke up early. I looked over at the clock 6:45 what was he doing up? He got up put a shirt on and his shoes. I turned over facing him

"What are you doing?"

"My mom soda she would be home at 7:00."

"Oh ok."

He got up off the bed. I got up. Justin walked over to me.

"I've loved spending time with you. I'm going to miss waking up to your beautiful smile."

"I'm going to miss you too. I'm going to miss cuddling!"

"Ok well I best go. We can hang out tomorrow!"

"I got school sign ups, Friday me and my dad is going school shopping. Oh yea also me you and my mom have plans Saturday!"

"Oh ok baby then we will hang out Saturday love you." Justin kissed me on my cheek and walked out of my room. I followed him down stairs. He walked across the street. I walked into the kitchen fixed me some orange juice and waffles. I got the syrup out poured it on my waffles and sat down at the kitchen table. My phone went off

"I already miss you". -j

"I miss you too!" -t

"My mom is here text you later baby!" -j

"Ok". -t

I finished eating my waffles and drinking my juice I put my dishes in the dishwasher. I put the dishes in the sink in the dishwasher. I ran upstairs. But some shorts and tank on. I heard someone yell


My dad was home. I ran out if my room, down the stairs. Into the kitchen ran over and hugged my dad.

I fell for him (a Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now