Chapter 12

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*day Justin's leaving for tour*

I woke up just walking to my closet getting a pair of sweats and a hoodie out. I walked over to my mirror pulled my hair up in a messy bun. Justin was leaving today. I would see him next Friday for the concert here but I would miss him.

"Are you ready?" -j

"Yes walking out of my room now" -t

I walked down stairs got my keys. "Dad I'm leaving"

"Where are you going?"

"To the airport with Justin and than to school I think!"


I walked out Justin was already getting in the jeep. I ran over and jumped in. I shut the door. I put the keys in the engine and backed out of the drive. I drove down the road when Justin put his hand on my knee. I looked over at him. He smiled. We pulled into the airport. Justin's gards were waiting for us, Justin and I both climbed out of the car. I walked in with Justin.

"I'm going to miss you" Justin told me when we sat down

"I'm going to miss you"

"Next Friday your coming to the concert right?"


"Than one week after that you will be on tour right?"


Justin plane got called. I stood up. Tears ran down my cheek.

"Don't cry we will talk on the phone every night and video chat some nights."

"I know"

Justin wrapped his arms around my neck I wrapped my arms around him an burred my head in his chest and cried. Justin pushed me away. "I got to go"

He picked up his bag he looked over at me and a tear fell down his cheek. He walked over and gave me one last hug. He kissed my cheek. "I love you"

"I love you too"

"I'll call you later. I love you Taylor" with those last words he disappeared in the crowd. I ran out of the airport to my car. I jumped in. Looked at my hands brought my knees up to my chest and cried.

After 30 mins I started to car and drive off. I went back to my house instead to school. I got on the couch and played xbox.

Later that night.

My phone started ringing




"Hey baby"


"What are you doing?"

"Nothing playing Xbox"

"Oh well I can't talk long about to go out on stage. I wish you were here I miss you"

"I miss you too"

"Ok I got to go I love you"

"I love you too"


Justin hung up. I got up and went and fixed a pizza.

I ate me a slice of pizza. My dad walked in the door.

"Hey sweetie"

"Hey dad. I fixed pizza"

"Ok I already ate. I got something I need to work on something ill be in my office of you need anything."

"Ok" with that he disappeared around the corner. I finished eating and put the rest in the fridge and cleaned up.

I ran up stairs. Just was still on stage I guess. he was supposed to call when he was ddone. I never knew I could love someone as much as I do Justin. I turned my tv on got up and turned the light off.

Later that night

I woke up at 2:37 I looked over at my phone.

"Holy shit" I whispered

Justin had sent me over 200 messages. I opened up some of them reading them.

"Hey honey just got off stage"


"Are you there?"

"Wake up baby"

"I can't sleep without talking to you"

"Taylor please wake up"

I texted him back

"Hey Justin sorry I fell asleep"

With in mins my phone buzzed.

"Hey baby what are you doing?" -j

"Nothing really tired" -t

"I wish I was there to cuddle" -j

"I wish you were here too!" -t

"I love you ;)" -j

"I love you too ;)" -t

"Ok baby ill let you go back to sleep. I'm gonna get some rest too big show tomorrow. than the show back home. I love you goodnight sweetie" -j

"Ok I love you too goodnight :)" -t


With that I put my phone back down turned the tv off closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning. Justin had sent me a mornin text message.

"Good morning baby. show tonight than show home. can't wait to see you. have an awesome day at school." -j

"Good morning! I can't wait too se you eeither I miss you! good luck tonight at the show. can't wait too see you perform tomorrow" -t

I got up and went to take a shower.

I got out put on my house coat on and walked to my bed room. I opened my closets door. I pulled out a turquoise free with a brown belt, and some brown cow girl boots. I walked Over to my mirror I pugged in the wand (if you don't know what a wand is something like a curling iron it's amazing if you don't have one u need one) I parted my hair. I combed out the bottom layer and started curling my hair. I finished sprayed my hair put my contacts in and walked over and got my phone. Justin texted me

"I can't wait to see you either I miss you so much I miss you sweet kisses. I love yyou. can't wait for you to go on break so you can come on tour with me I can snuggle with you every night. fall asleep with you in my arms and wake up with you in my arms. have an amazing day at school I got an interview tidy so ill talk to you before and after the concert I live you ." -j

"I love you too. I miss you so much. see you tomorrow I love you too" -t

I grabbed my book bag and ran down the stairs.

"Bye dad" I yelled as I ran out the door. I jumped in my car and drive off.

AN: so guys sorry for the poor updates! I have been so caught up in schools and sports that I haven't really been on here. so all you have to do to get me to write the next chapter is vote and comment! no votes or comments no chapter 13. well. Anyways love you guys!

I fell for him (a Justin Bieber love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن