chapter 9

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2nd day of school

"beep beep" i hit the alarm pulling myself out of bed. i walked into the bathroom and took a shower. got out did my usually blow and straighten my hair. i put on hot pink shorts with a white shirt with a pink belt. i had re paintied my nails and toenails pink. i had white sandals. at my school you always had to be dressed up. i walked down stairs. my dad was in the kitchen cooking waffles and eggs. i fixed us both some juice. it was 7:56 i had enough time to eat. my dad fixed my plate along with his. my dad ate and left for work. i picked up the dishes and put them in the dish washer. i ran back up stairs put my bracklets and necklace on. grabbed my book bag and my purse ran down the stairs. i ran out to my car put my stuff in the back seat ran back in and got my phine locked the door and ran back out it was 8:44 i was going to be late but who cared. as i backed out of the drive i called justin.


"hey im off to school"

"where are you?"

"on the way to school"

"oh ok i wont text u during class today"

"ok but if i get bored im going to text you"

"ok just dont get cought"

"i wont i will talk to at lunch."

"ok love you"

"love you too"

i hung up making a turn down my school raod. 8:58 i drove 55 mph down the road. going over the speed limit. i didnt care. i pulled into the school at 9:05 i found a parking spot. opened my door put my phone in my back pocket grabbed my bags. i walked up to the school doors. i had to go to the office. i went in and they just told me to go to class. i put my stuff in my locker and walked to class. i walked into my room and the teacher looked at me and said

"late to join us taylor"

i walked back to my seat everyone staring at me. i took a seat. the girl infront of mr turned around and said 'your dating justin bieber"

"yea" she smiled and turned around. mrs.burg gave me a paper. it was a paper to fill out for being late. i mumbled "shit"

"excuse me?"


"taylor office now"

i got up out of my seat and walked out of the room. seconf day of school and in trouble again.

how the hell did she hear me say that. it was so quite. like that teacher has ears.

i walked into the office the principal showed my her office once again.

"why are you in  here this time?"

"really i dont know"


"yes really"


"it was just one word it wont kill anyone"

"how about that writeup did you get thaat singed?"

"yes but its not with me as if you could tell i was late for school this morning."

"well taylor were going to have to put you in a-school for a week."

"like really why?"

"well you got a write uo yesterday. your cursing in class. you cant bring something back on time"

"thats stupied"

"well also your being really rude"


"go get your work for the rest of the day from all your classes and things you will need out of your locker and meet me out front of the office."

i got up and walked out of the office. why did everyine hate me scond day of school and i was already in a-school. nice. i walked around each class room got all of my work than i got to my last period class. mr.hunter asked me why was i going to a-school. i told him and he called me a bad kid. i got all of my work and stuff out of my locker and met the principal at the office. she walked me over to the a-scool room. i put all of my stuff down and had a seat. gosh why was this happening to me? i didnt do anything wrong. i know everyone of these kids have cursed before. i was the only one in that room. i just wondered what my dad would say. would he take away my car phone everything keep me away from justin? what would he say? i sat there all day till it was time to go. i grabbed my stuff and walked out. got in my car and left. i went and got a milkshake and went home. justin came over.

"how was school?"

"guess wher i will be for a week?"




we watched a movie till my dad got home. justun left. i told my dad what happen today at school and he just shook his head. like he didnt care. i went up to my bedroom. i sat on  the bed and texted justin till i fell asleep.'



a week later.

me and justin had been together for a month now. i really wasnt in for celebriting it was only 30 days.  i would understand if it was longer. i got up out of bed. it was a saturday so i didnt have school. thank the lord. i hated school and everyone there did. justin was doing little shows around the area and he asked me to come to his concert tonight for our one month. i heard justin sing and saw him perform at the mall. he was really goood. but tonight there was over 1000  people there. i only saw justin perform with like 100 people around. i got in the shower. i got out curled my hair and put makeup on. i put on a blue shirt it had rufle like things on th front with white shorts. i walked down staris my dad had to work today. so i just wrote him a note and put it on  the door told him i was going somewhere with justin. i grabbed my vip thing justin gave me and put it on. i walked out got in the car and drove off. i found a parking spot at the concert there were lots of people everywhere. screaming girls. i walked to the back where justin told me to go. i walked back and showed the person my vip thing and walked in. i found justin. justin was going on stage. i walked around with his crew. screaming everywhere.

"taylor justin has got a surprise for you"

i followed allison backstage. soon one less lonley girl started playing.

"whos going to be my one less lonley girl tonight?"

everyone startled screaming. justin walked over and grabbed my hands npulling me out on stage. he sat me down on a stool and gave me a roses.

''if you let me inside of your worls

there'll be one less lonely girl

i saw so many pretty faces  before i saw you you now all isee is you

dont need the other pretty faces like i ned your and when your mind there'll be one less lonley girl"

justin sang to me. i had a smile on my face the whole time. justin finished singing pulled me in for a hug and said "happy one month" we ran off stage. justin pecked me on the cheek and went back out. i sat the roses down and went back out and finished watching the shows.  my dad called


"where are you?"

"at one of justins concerts"

"ok get home"

"ok be right there."

i hung up i walked back stage and waited for justin to come off stage. as soon as he did i ran over to him i wrapped my arm around him as he did the same. "thank you" i whispered in his ear. he peeked my cheek i told him i had to go. i walked out got in my car and left. i got home and went to bed.

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