Chapter 3

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I woke the next day, my dad was still home! I went down stairs.

"Hey you not working today?"



"Ok listen, go get ready."

"Ok" I ran back up stairs. Put a hoodie on shorts, and a pair of black vans. I grabbed my phone an my purse. I ran back down stairs.

"Ok let's go."

We walked out side and got in the car.

"So where are we going?"

"So your 16th birthday is in 6 days. Well I have to go on a business trip tomorrow and I won't be back till after your birthday. So we were going to look at a car today."

"OMG really!"


I was very excited. "But I can't drive it home."

"Yes I know. If we get a car which I'm hoping you do, one of my workers are going to come down and drive it home."

"Oh ok"

We pulled into the lot. My dad parked his car. My dad walked up to the doors, we walked in and we talked to the car dealer.

"First car?"


"So what are you looking at?"

"We'll I wanted a jeep or a truck"

"Ok and how old are you? 15 will be 16 in 6 days!"

"Oh wow"

We walked around he showed me some trucks and jeeps. I didn't really like any of them he had. Across the street I saw a black jeep with pink strips down the side.

"Ok well I'm going to talk to my dad, were might come back later."


I ran over to my dad.

"Found anythig?"

"Yes but it's across the street."

"Ok let's go look at it." We got in the car and went across the street. I got out and walked over to the jeep.

"I want this."

"Ok are you sure before I buy it?"


"Ok let's go find someone"

We walked in. We found a person. We walked out I showed him the car that I wanted.

"Ok, do you want to test drive it?"

"I can't I'm only 15"

"Than why are you getting a car?"

"We'll I will be 16 in 6 days."

"Oh ok well does your dad want too?"


"Ok let's go fill out the paper work."

We walked in. He handed my dad alot of paper work. My da filled out ever bit of it. We got done he handed my dad the keys. We walked out. We went over to the jeep. I hopped in the passenger side and my dad in the driver side, he put the key in the engine and backed up, we drove down the road. Than we went back ad my dads friend was there. My dad got out, he got in his car and my dads friend jumped in my jeep. He drove me to the house. He pulled it in the garage. He got in the car with my dad and he took him back to the car place. Justin came running across the street.

I fell for him (a Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now