Chapter 6

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear beautiful taylor, happy birthday to you." Justin was singing as I was waking up.

"Awe thank you."

"Your welcome"

My phone buzzed. It was my dad.


"Happy birthday"


"You need to be ready in 15 mins, for your driving thing."

"Oh ok" I looked over at the clock.

"Ok well I will talk to you later."



I hung up as some of my friends texted me. I got up out of bed, walked over to my closet. Grabbed some shorts and a hoodie. Pulled my hair up in a messy bun. I walked to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. I walked back into my room.

"Hey umm I'm going for my permeant."

"Oh ok than I will be at my house. Come get me when you get home!"


Justin walked over to me and hugged me. He whispered in my ear "good luck"

I walked down stairs with him. He walked across the road. He opened his door, than Macy pulled in. She walked in.

"We're taking my car, because if I pass I want to drive it home!"


I ran back up to my room. Grabbed my purse and keys. Ran back down stairs. Gave my keys to Macy. We walked out the door. Macy got in the drivers side, and I got in my passer side. We backed out if the drive. Macy was going over things with me, the whole ride there. We pulled in. Macy took me in. We sat down, soon they called "Taylor Edward" I got up an followed the lady to the back. We sat down, she handed me a paper, and pencil. I looked down at the paper. I answered app the questions, handed it back to her. She checked over the answers.

"Taylor you have passed.''

She took me to fill out paper work. When I was done she took my picture. She printed of my permeant, and handed it to me. I put it in my back pocket. I walked out to where Macy was.

"Did you pass?"


"Taylor I'm sor-"

"Just kidding I did"

"Yay" we walked out. This time I got in the driver side and Macy in the passer side. We drove home. I pulled in the drive way.

"We'll I got to go to work. Maybe when I get off we can go celebrate!"

"Ok just call me."


I waved goodbye and ran in the house. Called my dad.

"I passed" I yelled in the phone.



He told me something's and we got off the phone. I put my phone down and ran out the door. I ran across the street. I knocked on Justin's door. He opened the door.

"I passed!"



"O my gosh congrats."

"Yea I know."

"I want I hang out with you so bad, but I have to go to the studio."

"Oh ok."

I fell for him (a Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now