A City of War

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"We are the strongest soldiers in all Greece" said Askelios. "With our King, Leonidas we can stand up to any army in the world" boasted Alexandros . "Spartans" said Skemenios, "We must know even though the Persian King Darius is dead his son Prince Xerxes has taken the throne". "King Xerxes now sends an army of 25,000 men and they are marching south". This is our last fight make it worthwhile" said Skemenios. "Askelios, Skemenios, Alexandros, Lukas, Jonas, Josephian, Marcus, Mateo, we are brothers in arms and soldiers of Greece" said King Leonidas. "Hoo ha haa" shouted the Spartans.

Greco-Persian Wars Episode 2: ThermopylaeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora