Let the traitor lead the way

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Airionus walked toward the Persian camp, he had news for King Xerxes. "My lord" said Airionus. "Yes my friend speak" said Xerxes. "There is a cliff that leads straight to the pass" said Airionus. "Lead my immortals through the hidden pass behind the  rebellious Spartans" said Xerxes. So Airionus did just that, later the Persians had the Greeks surrounded. "Leonidas I feel it is my duty to compliment you on your victory" said a Persian general. "Well any last words before your death said King Xerxes."Diametus" shouted Leonidas. Then all of the Greek allies helped fight the Persians. Leonidas then said his last words about Gorgo. "My bride, my wife, my queen". Later he was killed. Skemenios bore the bad news to the Queen and Prince of Sparta that the King had died in battle.

Now our King lays dead but we don't give up even though Athens was burned. Now we fight back 10,000 Spartans commanding 27,000 free Greeks. Now we take this fight to the Aegean we take this battle to the seas. With 400 ships we will defend the Aegean and Mediterranean. For Sparta, for Greece, and mainly for the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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