Chapter 8

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(I just figured his whole thing i'm lame)

Chapter 8

My whole family and some friends just listened to the entire album while they danced and gave me nice little comments. I smiled ear to ear. When any song I wrote about or with Ed came on, I would excuse myself and leave. I didn’t want anyone to know how I felt.

At the end, I said bye to my friends and hugged my mom, brother, and dad before leaving for my house. Tomorrow I would get up and get ready to release my album on MTV, and then I would sing three songs on the extra CD sold at Target. One was about Ed, so I’m a bit scared I’ll cry.

I got home and changed quickly. I hopped in bed and checked my phone. No calls. No texts. Nothing. The feeling of missing him quickly returns. I go on twitter and check Ed’s Twitter. He had posted a picture of him and Selena with guitars in hands. A tear rolled down my cheek. He was ignoring me. He never loved me…he loves Selena, though.

The next thing I did was something I knew I’d regret. I went on my twitter and looked through it. There were a lot of my fans tweeting me, but also a lot of hate. That’s what I was looking for. I’ve become obsessed with reading it lately. The things people said made me cry, but I feel as if I deserve it right now. Finally, I turn on the song ‘Autumn Leaves’ and cried myself to sleep.

My alarm went off at 9:00. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. My face was red and tear stained. I sighed and washed my face. I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair and then straightened it. I applied makeup and put on shorts and a tee. They were going to give me my dress when I got there.

I picked up Meredith and put her in the passenger’s seat. I got in the car and turned on the radio.

“Hey Mer…do you miss Ed, too?” she meowed in response.

She always loved Ed. He was a cat person.

I continued ranting on to Meredith until we got there.

I got out and took Meredith with me. When we got inside I was quickly pushed into a dressing room by my stylist.

“You’ve got to be ready soon!” She told me. She handed me a short red dress, and red Ked shoes. I quickly changed and she put red lipstick on me. “You look perfect! Congratulations on the album, by the way!” She told me.

“Thank you so much!” I told her.

We talked for a little while before I walked out to where my family was. They each hugged me and I talked to them for a while. Then I went outside and met some fans.

 By about 5:00 they were ready for me. I waved to everybody as they shouted “You’re on!” This was it. I was on live TV, and my album was soon going to be out.

“Hello MTV! I’m here today with the lovely Taylor Swift!” The host said. I smiled.

“Hello!” I said.

“Today you’re album, Red, is being released! Want to tell us a bit about it? Why is it called Red?”

We talked for a while about the name, and he asked me different questions. Then it was time to perform.

First I performed ‘Girl At Home’, then ‘The Moment I Knew’. I performed those ones perfectly, but then it was time for the last one. I started strumming the beginning to ‘Come Back Be Here.’ It went okay until the bridge of the song. Then I started tearing up. Tears fell down my eyes, and my voice got raspy. I finished the song and wiped my eyes. I was expecting them to laugh, but they clapped louder than the other songs. I found the urge to smile.

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