Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It’s been 3 months since the whole ‘Amanda Incident’. Now it’s December 10th. It’s my favorite time of the year.

December has always been my favorite month. Having been grown up on a Christmas tree farm…it makes sense. Ed’s tour has been going great. I get to travel with my wonderful boyfriend, watch him play gigs, and eat weird food. It’s amazing. In 5 days I’m going home to my family. I’ll stay there for 3 weeks, leaving 5 days after New Years. Ed will go home to his family on the 15th, and come visit my family on Christmas Eve. I can’t wait!

My family and a few friends are the only ones that know Ed and I are dating. He’s said hello to my mom and brother, but was never introduced to them. Now my whole family will get to bond with him. I’m sure him and Austin will be great friends immediately. They have the same amount of maturity which is about…none. But that’s why I love them.

I’m almost positive my mom and dad will love him. He’s super nice and interesting and funny. After all…they are letting him stay at the house for 2 weeks.

“Hey Taylor, I’d better go.  I’ve got to be at sound-check in twenty. Are you coming?” I shook my head.

“Nah, I’m gonna stay on the bus for one if that’s alright.” Oh yeah, we moved onto the tourbus. It’s INCREDIBLE! My room is in the way back, then Ed’s is separated by a door in the middle, then the kitchen and living space are in the front. It’s like an RV! I put a pink rug in mine, and decorated it with lyrics and pictures. It’s really cozy.

“Yeah, sure, Tay! I’ll see you tonight. I love you!” He walked to me and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled.

“Love you, too!” and with that, he was gone.



The first few hours weren’t so bad. I watched a few movies on Netflix, ate popcorn, and texted a few old friends. Then I went on Skype with Selena, and Justin happened to be there, too. I missed him! We’re going to need to write together when I get back. I set that as a reminder on my phone after we ended the call.

I texted Grant for about an hour straight. I miss him a lot. He was with Amos, so I talked to his as well. I miss my boys. I can’t wait for my tour to start so I can see them again.

FROM: Grant J

Sorry Tay, we gotta go. I miss you, girly. Lunch soon? Bye, LOVE YOU!!

TO: GrantJ

Definitely! Before New Years. Bye! I love you! And tell Amos I love him :)

 FROM: GrantJ

Amos says ew. Byebye:)


Now I have nothing to do.


I really wish I went to that concert. I could’ve just hung out backstage in Ed’s dressing room, but no. I’m stuck here. Alone.

I finally decided I couldn’t take it anymore and got dressed. I put on a light pink dress and flats. I put my hair in a ponytail and left. I headed towards a little dress shop that I saw on the way here. It was only a few blocks away, and I was there within minutes. I opened the door and stepped into the cozy little shop. I looked around, taking in the store, when an employee came up to me, smiling. She introduced herself, and asked for a picture. I gladly agreed and she helped me look for a dress. Her name was Bree. She was super helpful, because when I tried one on she gave her honest opinion instead of telling me every dress looks fine.

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