A Turtle

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"IT'S YOUR TURN (Name)!" America said shoving the large hat in front of your face. 

"Do i have to?" You asked thinking to yourself that you didn't want to get stuck in a closet with france...or russia. 

"HAHAHAHA! You can't back out now! C'mon dude, pick something!" America yelled loudly.

"Okay, I guess." You said giving in and sticking your hand into the hat. 

"OWWWWWW!!!!!!" You felt a sharp pain on your index finger and quickly take your hand out of the hat. On your finger was a turtle dangling from its' mouth. 

"WHO PUTS A TURTLE IN A HAT??!!" You scream trying to detach the creature from your hand. 

"I do!" Spain said walking cheerfully towards you and removing his turtle from your hand. 

"Alright you, Bastardo. Don't do anything funny in da closeta." Romano said shoving the two of you unceremoniously into the dark space and slammed the door. "Siete minutos!" 

"Did Romano just speak spanish?" You asked sitting down onto the carpeted floor. 

"Si~ I'm wearing off on him." Spain said. You can faintly see his cheerful smile in the darkness and his brown eyes that seemed to always have their own light.

"How do your eyes do that?" You asked him curious of how his eyes closely resembled a cat.

"Do what, (name)?" He asked tilting his head.

"Your eyes, they look like they're glowing." You said searching his eyes and the room for the light source.

"Oh~ haha" He laughs softly scratching his neck blushing a little. "My eyes like to twinkle when I'm with--". 

Spain took a deep breath, ruffling his hair and letting out all the air in a dramatic rush of words, "When I'm with the one I love."

You blush not expecting this and you're unable to contain your smile. 

"I wish my eyes did that."

"Hermosa, they do. They've been shinning ever since I saw you the first time." Spain responded reaching his hand out to your cheek placing it there. You blush harder feeling his warm hand on your face, your heart beating a million times faster. 

He leans and gives you a soft kiss on the lips lingering for a while. "Te amo, Hermosa." 

"ANTONIO FERNANDEZ CARRIEDO!!! WHAT DID I SAY YOU BASTARDO! YOU *inaudible jumble of swear words* Romano yelled bursting into the closet tearing you two apart and pushing you into the bright room. 

"NO TOMATOS FOR YOU ANTONIO!" Romano yelled one last time.

"Well, all my tomatoes are squished anyways"

"Huh?" You asked.

Spain turned around and showing everyone his back pockets.

"I was sitting on them."



Hermosa: Beautiful

Siete minutos: Seven minutes

Ti amo: I love you

Hetalia seven minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now