Bottle of maple syrup

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  • Dedicated to Who?

You reach into the hat hesitantly, all your friends watching you making a slight blush appear on your cheeks. You take an object out, a bottle of syrup.

There are murmurs around the group of friends like, 'who put that there?' 'I think Canadia.' 'who?'

The distinctive talking lasted a while until someone with a bear who looked oddly like America walked up to you.

"That would be mine." He said in a silent raspy voice.

"um, right." You say vaguely remember who he was.  

The bear he was holding looked up at him and asked," Who are you?"

"I'm Canada, Kumajirou. Your owner" He said handing the bear to France and walking into the closet behind you.

America closes the door, "Seven minutes dudes." Leaving you in complete darkness.

You sit down on the floor tired of standing and Canada sits down facing you.

You both say nothing for quite awhile and just sat in silence.


You then speak up making Canada jump in surprise, "So, what's with your curl?" You asked.

"Um, well." Canada stammers. You poke the curl and it bounced making Canada wince, "Don't..."

You twirl it in between your fingers making him grit his teeth. Curiosity got the best of you and tugged it. 

Next thing you know, you're on the ground with Canada on top kissing you. He pulls away as soon as he realizes what he is doing.

"Oh, oh...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." He says leaning back.

"No, don't apologize. Actually I would like it if you did it again." You say pulling him down for another kiss.

 After a few moments America barges in, "Okay dudes! Whoa, Canadia, get some bro!" 

You blush as Canada helps you up.

"Ohnohnohnohn, that's my Mathew" Praised France giving Canada back Kumajirou.

Hetalia seven minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now