Cherry blossom

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  • Dedicated to Karen

You reach into the hat and caught something soft and pulled it out. It was a small cherry blossom. You twirled it in your fingers marveling at its beauty.

"That would be mine." Japan says walking up to you but still a good distance away. You blush and quickly walk into the closet with Japan behind you.

"Zeven minutes." Says Germany closing the door.

"This is really pretty." You say twirling the flower carefully in your hand.

"It's would be even more pretty in your hair." Japan says a couple inches away. You put the flower behind your ear. "Now it's even more beautiful." You blush at the comment and his accent.

The way he rolls his l's into r's is just adorable and makes you want to hug him. But you can't hug him, his personal space bubble is bigger than Russia.

Actually this is the closest you've ever been to Japan. You could touch him from where you stand.

Your hand reaches up, desperately wanting to touch his soft black hair that shined in the darkness of the closet.

He catches your hand and you jump, he touched you! " (Name)- Chan, what are you doing?"

"I... um..." You stammer trying to respond. What were you going to say? I just wanted to touch your hair? No! "I..." you stop talking when Japan takes a shy step closer. You hold your breath realizing he was still holding your hand.

You were in his bubble! Your heart was beating so fast you felt like it would explode. Japan takes a shaky breath and leans in kissing you softly. Your eyes fly open in shock and your able to see the slight blush on his cheeks.

He pulls away just as breathless as you. "I had to do that just once." He whispers shyly his blush growing brighter.

You were so surprised that you kissed him again and refused to left him go. He wraps his arms around your waist and you reach up lacing your fingers around his neck.

After a while you find yourself on the ground with Japan on top of you in full 'make out' mode.

Germany opens the door, " Alvight, time's Ahh!" He slams the door shut and flattens himself against it.

"Dude, what's happening in there?" America asks.

Germany just shakes his head breathing heavily, "Japan, out of all the countries."




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