A tea cup

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  • Dedicated to fernando

Your hand explores the hat and your fingers graze a smooth crescent shapped object. You pull it out and it was a small and dainty looking tea cup.

You look at England he shakes his head, who else could it be? Somebody tapped your shoulder and you spun around to see who it was. You bumped into Lithuania dropping the cup.

"Careful!" Lithuania says catching the cup, "This was America's." He puts the cup on the table and walks into the closet with you.

"Whoo! Go Lilith!" Roots Poland slamming the door shut, "Like, seven minutes." He says making Lithuania blush a deep red. You yawn realizing you didn't get any sleep last night.

"Are you tired?" Lithuania shyly asked.

You shake your head stifling another yawn, "Only a little."

Lithuania looks around coughs then sits down. He pats the ground next to him and you sit next to him. You lay your head against his shoulder, you could almost feel the blush radiating off of his cheeks. You find yourself slowly dozing off into a deep slumber.


"Hey Lilith! Like, how did it..."

"Shh!" Lithuania silences Poland, "(Name) Are you awake?" He asks your unconscious self, he kisses the top of your head then stands up carrying you out of the closet, "I'm going to take her home." He walks past Poland and out the door.

~Le time skip to your house~

Lithuania sets you down on your bed and pulled the covers over you.

He stays there for a moment, sitting on the edge of your bed stroking your hair, caressing your cheek.

He leans down and kisses your half-way parted lips then stands up and walks out of the room.

"good night, (name)" Lithuania says closing the door. You wake up just in time to see him closing the door, you smile and fall back to sleep.

Hetalia seven minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now