a music sheet

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  • Dedicated to mozart

Your hand reaches into the hat and pull out a music sheet. You search for Austria and see him sitting on the couch next to Hungary. He stands up retrieving the piece of paper and walking into the closet with you.

"zeven minutes!" Yells Hungary slamming the door. You stand for a few minutes talking about great pieces of art and artists. You were in the middle of a conversation about Mozart and Beethoven when you trip over an unseen object.

"Ahh!" You fall dragging Austria down with you. You blush realizing that you had landed in a kiss.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He says almost casually helping you up only to trip over the same object as you had making you fall. You land on top of him your hands covering his mouth and with one of your fingers accidentally brushing his mole.

He howls and flips you over and starts to kiss you madly. With you already being in love with him this was the best that could happen to you. So you decide to accept the situation and kiss him just as furiously.

Soon the kiss slows as Austria gets hold of himself. You completely forget that you were pinned down on the ground, all you could think about was Austria.

"Time's up!" Hungary says slamming the door open, her dark aura appeared and she  held her frying pan at a threatening stance aimed at your head, "Give Austria back his happy place (Name)!" You quickly stand up clearing your throat uncomfortable.

America pokes his head through the door and looks at your messy hair and clothes, "Dudes, what did you do in there? You touched his mole didn't you (Name)."

You shrug your shoulders and smiled playfully "Maybe I did." You walk past America pulling Austria with you, but then Hungary sneaks up behind you and hits you on the head knocking you out.

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