A white flag

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  • Dedicated to Pastaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Your hand digs something up from the hat, a white flag. You look at Italy with a smile.

"~Ve! You got me (Name)!" Italy says bouncing around Germany.

"Now into ze closet, Italy." Germany says impatiently.

Italy stops skipping to stare at Germany, "T-the closet?"

"Yes in ze closet." Germany answers.

"Ahh! But I don't want to go in the scary dark closet!" Italy screams holding onto Germany's leg.

"Argh! Italy!!!" He declaws Italy from his leg threw him into the closet and pushed you in. He closes the door before Italy could get out. "Zeven minutes." He says over Italy's voice.

"(Name) It's so scary in here!" Italy whimpers.

"oh, it's not so bad" you say a little annoyed. You shifted and bumped into Italy.

"Ahh! Germany! Germany! Something touched me! Help!" Italy screams hugging you in fear.

You blush while trying to calm him down.  After a long few minutes Italy finally stops shaking.

"Actually it isn't so bad in here with you, Bella!" He exclaims still holding on to you.

You smile, "That's good."

"You're a lot nicer and shorter than Germany!" He says hugging you tighter.

"Can I give you a kiss?" He asks. You blush and say yes.

He leans in and gives you a soft peck on the lips.

He smelled like pasta and pizza, that was the only thing you remembered from the kiss.

Germany opens up the door, "Alvight, Italy, times up."  Italy bounces out highlighting every detail of what happened in there pulling you along.

Hetalia seven minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now