Bottle of vodka

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  • Dedicated to Julianne

You reach in and take out a bottle of vodka. You shiver and look over at Russia who's his usual smiling self.

"looks like you got me, Da?" He said in his rich accent. 

He throws You over his shoulder and walks to the closet. You see Belarus giving you a death stare sharping her knife.

America warily closes the door and with echoes of 'seven minutes' leaves you with Russia in complete darkness.

You cower in a corner and Russia comes over, "There's no need to be afraid, Da?" His indigo eyes glimmered in the dark.

"I have one question. Why are you always like 'become one with mother Russia, Da?" you ask.

"I fear if I don't grow big someone will take over and I'll be left helpless again." Russia answered a little less happily than usual.

You look down at your hands not knowing that Russia had such stress on his rather large shoulders.

He lifts your chin so you had to look at him. "Don't be sad, Da? I'm fine as long as I have a friend."

"Like Belarus and Ukraine?" you ask

"Da, and also you." He says kissing you. He breaks the kiss looking at you, "See that wasn't so bad, Da?"

"No it wasn't" You whisper leaning in for another kiss.

"whoa!" America says when he opens the door. You quickly break the kiss when Belarus knocks America down and grab Russia up and out hissing at you.

Hetalia seven minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now