Chapter 2 - Confusion

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Letting out a weak groan Lucina was met with a blinding light. Sheilding her eyes, Lucina could feel aches all over her limp body, too strong to ignore. Thoughts of fear racing in her mind, she forced her eyes open again, wincing in pain as soon as her vision was revealed in a blur.
"Whoa. easy there," An unfamiliar voice spoke. Lucina felt a comforting hand on her shoulder soon after she heard the it.
"How is she doing, Severa?" A masculine voice questioned, again unfamiliar but full of curiosity.
"Better, at least," The girl replied. "What do you suppose got her?"
Risens. The word rang like a bell in her mind. Creatures, horrible creatures, were all around the forest, never friends with any human... never kind to man-spawn-
    Suddenly a pang of memory shot her as fast as light. Her father, was he alright? Not being able to take it anymore Lucina jolted up, alarming the two in the room.
"Milady! Are you feeling alright?" The woman asked immediately.
Lucina didn't answer. There was no way she could trust the two- but she could feel something: bonds. She knew them from somewhere, she just couldn't point it out. Her head throbbed horribly as she tried to straighten out who they were, frustration mixing in with her emotions as her brain refused to help.
    "Miss?" The male spoke worryingly, carefully stepping in her direction.
"S-stay back!" Lucina sputtered as soon as he laid his foot down, then retreating fairly quickly. Looking down she realized she was atop a bed, covered in blankets. "What... happened?" She asked, now terrified.
"Gerome says you blacked out. Your lucky to be here though. Risens are taking over the country, and we may be able to survive."
    Gerome was the man who she met in the forest, wasn't he? The man who had startled her during her 'time away from reality'. Could she trust the man? If she could, than she wouldn't be so afraid of the two.
"Gerome... Where is he?" Lucina asked, changing the subject.
"With the rest." The female she believed was Severa answered. "They'll be back at dusk."
    'The rest?' Questions crept in her head,
making the pain even worse. Were they to keep her prisoner? Hopefully not. But how could they not know her? She was the exalt's daughter. They mustn't be from where she was now then- Ylisse- if they were in Ylisse.
    Lucina decided to keep those thoughts locked in her mind. She needed to find out who they were, but how?
"You should sleep still. We're leaving at the break of dawn." The man suggested. Lucina nodded, happy to finally sleep in peace. To sleep without being waken to risen calls every hour. Where nobody could get her. She felt safe, after what had happened, she seemed to calm down. Closing her eyes, Lucina cleared her mind, saving her questions for the next day. She was exhausted after all...


(A/N) - I had to restart this a million times sorry if I took so long. Well, Lucina has just met Severa and *****. Who could he possibly be? Hehe, well, The beginning line was 'She hurt' if you can't read the font. I'll see you all in the next update!

-Enchantedfangirl / Chrom / Lucina

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