Chapter 3 - Lost Resemblance

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   ʟᴜᴄɪɴᴀ's ᴇʏᴇs ᴡɪᴅᴇɴᴇᴅ as she took the object with both hands.
"This is yours now. Take it, and flee. Run."
Although she knew it was an order, Lucina didn't dare move. The sudden action made her stop. No, she couldn't just run, with such a legendary weapon with her- Falchion, the divine sword- it was such a gift...
    "Father, I can't take this," Lucina hesitated, shaking her head in disapproval. Lucina had always dreamed of owning a sword like it, but she pushed the thought away quickly.
    Ever since their failed meeting with King Validar, she could not leave Chrom alone again. The Emblem was stolen. What could be worse? Her fathers death. It frightened her just thinking about it. He taught her so many things, and running away would not be an appropriate response to all he had done.
"Lucina, we've lost so many people... I can't bear to loose you. Listen to me." He explained in a calm but demanding tone.
Sighing, Lucina looked up at the aged ceiling. He was trying to protect her, but was it worth it? He could get himself killed as well. But Lucina's thoughts were interrupted when a fog of purple magic appeared in thin air.
Before Chrom could say the words, dozens of risen formed around them. Fear drained Lucina's eyes as she stared at the risens encircling her, red orbs focused on her father.
Lucina couldn't respond quick enough to a risen pinning Chrom to the ground. Her expressions displayed horror, but she couldn't move at all. She was afraid. Desperately, Chrom reached for the rapier at his side, but it was too late. The risen had stabbed him in the chest.
Getting the chance to attack again, Lucina charged towards the horrible creature, bringing Falchion to her grip. She was able to stab the risen in the abdomen, but wasn't quick enough to deflect its last attack to her. But she ignored the pain. It was only a small wound- no deeper than Chrom's.
Once she removed the blade buried in the Risens' middle, she immediately raced to her father. He looked badly wounded- surrounded by a pool of blood and wincing in pain.
"Nngh... L-Lucina... my..."
"Father, no! Stay with me!" She yelled, shocked by his pain.
"Y..ou d-don't h..ave much... t-ime, flee..."
Lucina shook her head. 'No,' she thought, 'don't leave him...'
But she turned around quickly to reveal a dark figure approaching them. Unsure what to do, she squinted, trying to reveal who it was. It was taller than a risen...
She gasped as she realized who it was.
But it was no longer Robin- his kind hazel eyes were now an evil red, his hand was glowing with dark purple blood, and an evil smirk was plastered on his face.

"Run... Lucina... go... please..."


Lucina gasped as she woke to the sunlight streaming through the window. It was a memory, a nightmare...
'Oh, father... why...'
"Lucina! Are you alright?"
Lucina's eyes darted foward to see a worried figure standing a few feet away from her.
Gerome didn't reply. Looking at Lucina, he knew that something was wrong with her. Was she sick? Hopefully not. But her face was full of fear.
    Lucina sat there for what seemed like hours. She knew her father was dead- she'd seen the whole thing- but she couldn't live without him by her side. If there was something that was bothering her, she would tell him straight away with no guilt. If she was afraid, he would comfort her. He taught her how to master the sword. What could she possibly do now?
    He was gone. She would never get him back...
"...Lucina, how are you feeling?" Gerome asked, breaking her thinking. She was still a little dizzy from the fight, and her legs were still a bit sore.
"I'm alright." She answered.
Lucina wondered why Gerome took her in. Why didn't he leave her, helpless on the ground? Yes, she would of died without any shelter or warmth, but it was strange for someone whom you didn't know by any chance help you when you needed it.
'Even though I don't know him, it feels like I've been with him forever,' She thought, 'Gerome. It sounds very familiar.'
And there she was, in a room with strangers. People welcoming her. Did they know her? Lucina didn't know. Everyone seemed to like her.
But wait, weren't there others?
"Gerome, may I ask a question?"
"Of course."
"Is there anyone else besides you and those two here?"
Gerome stopped to think. "Yes. There are many of us- you might seem to recognize them."
Lucina's confusion grew tighter. Recognize them- that was it. But why? How did he know?
"Ah, here they come now." Gerome explained, pointing towards the door. She heard footsteps coming- several of them. Excitement flashed through Lucina's mind for a second, but then suddenly faded when the door opened.
There were several people walking in, but Lucina caught her gaze on one. She had the same hair colour as her- cobalt blue- but shorter and tied into pigtails. Was that even possible? Lucina knew that owning the colour of hair was very rare, unless you had a parent who had the same, or had a big purpose in the world.
Noticing her stare, the female stopped and immediately scanned her. A resemblance flew between them- same blue hair, same ocean blue eyes- they both knew.
Lucina finally figured out who she was. Cynthia. Her younger sister. It had been years since they got separated- when they were nearing seven or eight- but she had gotten lost that day. Lucina remembered how worried her parents were, searching for days and days, failing to find her. How did she end up here?
Memories flashed in her mind from when they were kids. From play sparring, to running around the forest together. All those years... to now...
Lucina found herself in an embrace with Cynthia. Oh, how she missed her. Her sister was like her best friend, her partner, her companion.
"Oh, Lucina... I thought I would never find you ever again..." She cried, her muffled voice difficult to hear, "We found you, we finally found you..."
Smiling Lucina blinked back tears of joy. She wasn't family-less after all. It was real- her sister was alive. She had believed it, prayed for it. She had someone by her side now. Forever, and always.
But even with her sister found, they didn't know what was planned out for them.


(A/N) - Sorry for the late update! It took me quite a while to finish this chapter, and now I'm really proud of it :) well, I'll see you all later! The top line said "Lucina's eyes widened." If you can't read the font ^_^

-enchantedfangirl / Chrom / Lucina

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