Chapter 9 - Hidden Truth

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    ɢᴇʀᴏᴍᴇ ᴡᴀs sᴜᴅᴅᴇɴʟʏ ᴀᴛ a loss for words.
This couldn't be possible. Seeing her sister again carried to much luck, too much courage, hell- too much happiness. He couldn't believe a single word she said for minutes.
No. This can't be her. Komura had left years ago. She's a betrayer... she-
"Gerome?" Komura said, blocking his thoughts, " everything alright?"
He longed to yell at her. For all she had done. But he didn't. The young wyvern rider only remained silent.

    "You came back," Was all he did say.
Komura was on the edge of tears. "I-I... wasn't expecting to see you again, brother." She gulped, "B-but... I-I did... I..."
Her emotions made Gerome want to burst in tears as well.

      It had been years since his mother had died.
The flashback always lingered through Gerome's mind, a flashback that would carry you away from your hopes and dreams, a memory that would leave your heart broken.
That very day when Frederick had come back to announce that she had fallen from a battle.
    His father hadn't looked like the knight he always was. Instead, his gaze was locked onto the floor, rather then to Gerome and Komura. It was hard for him, Gerome knew, to know that someone he'd loved had died. Someone they cared about.
    Gerome wished he still didn't feel that way. Why couldn't he come with Cherche, helping her through the war? Why was he so powerless? Honestly, he was never glad with what he were doing after that. After stepping back from what could've spared a life?
No. He did not help at all.
    As far as he could remember, Cherche had lost the battle due to a sudden assassin killing her once it was over. Frederick had explained that he tried to warn her, but he was too late.
Too late.
    Gerome could remember the anger that rose immediately after the speech. He hadn't gotten the time to say goodbye, not appropriately. Secretly, he had cared for his mother. It didn't seem like he did anymore.
And he ended up failing at moving on.
    That night when Komura ran away without word, Gerome's courage had been drained. Komura had reminded him of his mother- same hair colour, eyes- which was one of the reasons he remained close to Komura.
    The past events were now haunting him now, like a ghost planning to posses him entirely.

    "Brother... I'm sorry." Komura finally said, voice cracking due to the tears making their way to the ground, "I was... ignorant..."
    Gerome relaxed for a moment, but then resumed his slight anger. "Blast... you were." Gerome suddenly cursed before he could stop the words. He couldn't stop looking at her.
If it weren't for Gerome's words, Komura wouldn't have been weeping by now.
Gerome suddenly felt guilty for what he had said. Yes, he was mad at Komura for leaving him, but he knew that she was in alot of pain from the death of Cherche, which, of course, took place years ago.
    He needed to help her, like she did to him. Nevertheless, she was his sister after all.
"Komura..." Gerome tried to sound as calm as he could, omit that he recently insulted her, "I... forgive you. It's alright."
He hoped that his words would comfort her.
    They did, in a way, but Komura couldn't help the droplets from running down her face. She used her hand to wipe them away. Gerome sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Thank you, Gerome."

* * *

    It was approaching sunset now.
The group was all exhausted from walking for hours. They longed for food, water, and rest.
They had a good three minute break a few hours ago, but Gerome suggested they kept moving.
    His legs were sore and he felt his stomach growl in hunger.
"I suppose we should stay the night." He finally said after a moment of decision. After all, they wouldn't be going far if he had to be carrying Lucina for the whole time. The group all sighed in relief, flopping on the ground.
    The night breeze began to blow swiftly in the forest. Apparently, it didn't help anyone–they were freezing, using their only warmth by their war-clothing or armour.
"Gerome, I suggest we try shelter. These clouds are seeming to burst any minute now." Kumora said, wiping off dust from her top.
"Right. Find material. It's all we have."

    For the next half-hour, a campfire was made. They ate off of berries- the only ones they knew were edible- and began to plan out their escape route.
"Perhaps we find somewhere to spend our last days," Severa suggested, "There is no way we could ever live with that disgusting dragon at Ylisstol. It could be anywhere by now."
"True, very true," Laurent nodded his head, "but we can't just give up now."
"Um... have you seen that thing? It's huge... we can't even strike one successful blow at it!" Owain complained, using his hands to point out his statement. The children sighed.
    "If only there was a way." Komura jumped in. She began to munch on the last of the bright red berries, satisfied by the juice it left behind.
"Maybe Lucina has an idea." Inigo pointed out, "Remember how she'd seen the goddess?"
"She might have." Gerome still didn't believe what had happened when the princess had woke him up. "If the Divine Dragon was to bring us to Ylisstol, we could've been sent to our deaths. What is the point of that anyway?"

   The sudden voice tuning in made them jump. "To help the people."
They all turned to face the awake Lucina, who seemed to be listening through the whole conversation. "You don't believe me, Gerome?"
All eyes began to focus on Gerome. "N-no... it's not that... it's just... what was she warning us about?" He felt a nerve of anxiousness.
"I'm not certain myself." Lucina shook her head, "She had said that the goddess herself would guide us through the rest."
"Then where could she be now?" Inigo interuppted.
"I don't know." She sighed.
  They were all silent for a moment, trying to gather up a plan in their minds. They were certain no place was safe now, especially with Grima alive again and risens taking over the world.
If only my father were here, Lucina thought, What would he do?
    It took a few minutes for young Lucina to figure out what Chrom would be doing.
    He would try, she knew, to slay the beast. He would encourage all the Shepherds to try their best, even if they would die. If they did, Lucina knew what he would say:
"We die with honour and pride."
   And all of them did die, only a few dying with honour and pride.
How was he so confident with himself? So– brave? Able to bring things together? Had he trained for it? Maybe. Lucina remembered the stories he would tell her when she was very young, the stories of how hellish his life was, and other times, good scenes in his life. Legends. Myths. Lucina had enjoyed every bit of it, every second if it, no matter how good nor bad the stories were.
   But know, Chrom was dead. Did he himself die with honour and pride?
Lucina didn't know what to say afterward. She just waited until everyone was asleep. She lie awake on the ground for several hours, hoping to snooze away, but it was no use. Lucina couldn't sleep a blink.
   Sitting up, she groaned. She needed to rest or else they wouldn't be taking a step– hell, they would be struggling fully.
    Lucina began to slow her breaths. The cool wind wasn't even bothering her. Maybe staying up for a few minutes– perhaps a short walk would help her out– yes, as long as she would be quick, nobody would notice– and after all, she needed to stretch her legs.
Lucina looked to her left, then to the right– reassuring that everyone wasn't awake. Fortunately, everyone's eyes were shut. Taking one last glance at Gerome, Lucina stood up, quickly making her way out of sight.
Nothing should go wrong. Lucina was sure of it.
But you will never know when you've made the wrong choice.


Authoress Note | Sorry for such a late update! I've been busy with school lately, and my parents made a deal with me. If I get good grades on my test, they'll buy me Fates. Heh, a dangerous job, but I don't wanna be broke next Friday, so... Yeah. I'll see you later!
First line: Gerome was suddenly

~enchantedfangirl | Kamui the dragon warrior

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