#1 - War

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I walk down the hall with my younger sister Kayla.
Oh and may I explain how my sister's work?
Yep, so it goes like this.

I have 4 sisters,
Faith is the oldest,
Abella is second oldest,
Then comes me, Elena,
Followed by Kayla
Then my baby sister, Lauren.
Big family, right? Yeah..

We live in a world known as Remainia, my sister's and I each have our own power.

"Mum wanted to speak with Faith, right? So speed up Elena! Faith is already in their room." Groans Kayla.

With my power of ice, I freeze an ice slide and I slide down to my parents door,
I take it away when I was done.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Groans Kayla.

I let out a giggle and hurry to my mother and father's room, Kayla and I press our ears against the door.

"Mum, I told you I'm not marrying Derrik when I turn 18, and that's in another few years!"

"I don't care, Faith! Derrik is the son of a very good friend of mine, he is perfect for you! I don't trust anyone else.."

I hear Faith sigh,
"Oh if I must.."

"Now that that's settled, I'll see you and your sisters tomorrow,"

I hear footsteps come closer to the door, Kayla and I run away but get caught by the one and only, Faith.

"Listening again, I see?"

I slowly turn around, "Like mum said, let's get to bed."

I hear Kayla giggle.

During the night...

I hear screaming, and cries of a baby.. Must be Lauren.
I immediately sit up jump out of my bed, I rush to the window to see guards of another village, I'm not sure which one but all I knew is that there's war in Remainia.

I turn around to see Abella carrying Lauren out of her crib,


It was too late, she had run out.

I run to my parents room where I see all my other sisters.

"Elen! There you are, okay everyone listen!"
My mother yells.

We ignore the screaming from outside the castle.

"As you can probably already tell, there is war between our village, Meliont, listen, I'm going to send you girls to Earth--"

"Earth?!" Yells Abella.

"Yes! It's the only way you'll be safe."

I shake my head, "Mum! We have powers that's basically impossible to hide in that realm."

"Which is why we're going to put your powers to sleep-- just until war is over."

Abella goes to talk but gets cut off by Faith,
"Okay mum, I understand-- and I promise to take care of my sisters."

Both our parents nod, "Good, now line up in order of age, I'm going to put your powers to sleep."

We line up according to age, Faith being first,
She had the power of nature.

Then came Abella, she had the power of shadows.

Then me, I had the power of ice.

Kayla and Lauren were still too young, so their powers haven't awaken yet,
But my mother casted a spell to stop any powers from coming in.

She nods, "Good luck, oh and Elena, before you go?"

I walk closer, "Yes?"

"I know that you're 11.. And since you're going to the over world-- Just.. Don't fall in love with a human, they're a threat to us, understood?"

"Why is it a big deal--"

"No time to explain! Now get in the portal, now!"

I turn around and walk into the portal to Earth.

That was the day.. My sister's and I went to Earth.

I fall into a cave and immediately stand up,

"Where's Lauren?" I ask.

I see Abella carrying Lauren in her arms,

Kayla bites her lip, "I see traffic lights! Let's go."

We follow Kayla to the city road,

"Why is it so.. Different." Asks Kayla.

"Kayla, this is a different realm, completely different."

Abella sighs, "We have to find a place to stay."

"Can't we just.. Build one? Like in Remainia!"

"No Kayla, this is different."

"That isn't actually a bad idea..."

"Yeah, seeing as we need something called money to buy a house, and it's really expensive! We don't have money--"

"How come you know so much about Earth?" Asks Faith.

"I.. Read books about it, it really seems like an interesting place."

Faith nods, "Seeing as you know so much, find us a place to live."

And I did.

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