#9 - Samantha comes to visit

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The next day..


"Wow, so you're from an elemental world called Remainia, you and your sisters all have powers..?" Says Kiera.

"Yep.. But according to Samantha, the reason for me having both fire and ice is because I'm the chosen girl to run the borders."

"Are you?" Emery bites into her burger.

"Well.. After the 6 months I'll obviously have to go back... I guess we'll see.. But anyway, you can't tell anyone."

"We know! But who else knows?"

"N-no one.. Not even Grayson."

"Wow.. Speaking of Grayson, aren't you and him official?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know."

"Well.. 6 months from now means we all get to spend Christmas and new year together!" Kiera says.

"Oh yeah!" Emery cheers.

"Aren't you forgetting something? New Years Eve is the day 6 months will pass!"

They sigh but Grayson approaches us.

"Elena can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, I guess."
I get up and follow Grayson into the locker room.

"Okay look.. I'm usually really good with the girls, but there's something very... Different, about you."

"Different? What do you mean..?"

"Well.. That kiss yesterday.."

"What about it..?"

"What does it make us?" His eyes stare into mine."

"Hm.. Depends what you wanna be."

"I'm pretty sure you know what I wanna be."

Our lips get closer but a high pitched girl voice screams in the room.

"Graysie! I'm back!" Yells a girl with pitch-black hair and brown eyes.

"T-Tori?" He stutters.

"Oh Graysie! I told you long distance relationships would work! I'm back for 6 months!"

6 months...


"O-oh! Elena this is Tori my.. G-girlfriend, and Tori this is Elena my.. F.. Friend."

I feel something sharp and cold forming on my hand, I glance down to see ice forming on my hand in the shape of rain drop.

"I.. I-- uh. N-nice to meet you Tori..."

My other hand begins to burn up, I glance again to see it completely orange.

"Elena is it? Pleasure to meet you too."

"Pleasure's mine.." I say in an annoyed voice as I twist my head and hide my arms behind my back, I could feel the heat travel up and the ice growing higher.

"Well Graysie and I are gonna go get lunch together! Aren't we Grayson?" Tori smiles and tugs his hair.

"Yes Tor-- b-babe."

She smiles and they both walk down the hall.

I run to the bathroom and lock the door, I stare at my hands, one was orange and the other had ice forming a pattern down my arm.

"What the fu--"

"Don't say a bad word Ellie."
I look in the mirror to see Samantha sitting on the sink.

"What do you want now?"

"Yeesh! Calm down, I'm here to help you. That's if you don't want it..?"

".. What's going on here?!" I look at my arms, the patterns had travelled up to my shoulders.

"Elena.. Elena Elena.. Now this has to do with your control."

"Control? I have perfect control!"

"No no, control of your emotions, if you get too angry.. Your powers will attack your surroundings.. If you get too upset or disappointed or even sad? Your powers will attack you."

"Why?! This never happened when I only had ice.. S-so if I get upset or angry this will always happen?!"

"No no, only in the beginning of the cycle, after you gain control.. You begin to, get less power attacks."

"Okay.. Anything else I should know?"

"The borders, Elena.. Since you have decided to stay here for 6 months, the borders may get out of control because no ones running them."

"Out of control? Why do I have to run them for borders to have control?"

"Since you got the power of fire."

She gives a faint smile, "This is only the beginning.. No big damage yet... Yet."


Samantha disappears.. And so does the patterns on my arms.

"I wonder what's actually going on in Remainia..."

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