#17 - Torn Between.. Two Worlds

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"Elena you have to come back to Remainia!"

"W-what why?!"

"The borders are beginning to show symptoms, they need their leader!"

I feel my skin begin to fade.

I look down at Grayson,

"What is she talking about.." He says as he stands up.

I breathe in and nod at Emery and Kiera,
"I'm not human.. I'm princess of a world known as Remainia and.. I have to go. My time here in Earth is over, that's why I broke up with you! I didn't want you to.. Just feel broken, when I left, now that you have Vanessa.. You'll he happy."

I looked into his eyes as he looks down back on mine, "I'm sorry, Elena."
He hugs me tight as I feel the portal fade.

"Don't go.." He whispers.

A tear streams down my cheek.


"I have to."

I let go of the hug and nod back at Emery and Kiera.
The sky begins to spin as a portal opens up.

Emery and Kiera begin to get teary I could see.

Grayson runs over to me before I walk in the portal,
"Elena, no."

"I have to, Grayson, I.. They need me,"

He sighs as he grabs my arm trying to prevent me from leaving, but my arm fades..

The sky begins to swirl as a storm picks up, the wind gets stronger,


I nod and step back from him as my whole body fades, as well as Samantha's

That's it.. Those years in Earth, are all gone.

Emery sighs, "She was amazing."

Grayson straightens himself out and looks in the sky, everyone else does as well.

A storm hits the ground as dark shadows run across the streets.

"W-what's going on?!" Yells Kiera.

"Everyone in the house! Now!" Yells Grayson.

Everyone screams and runs inside the house as shadows speed around the town, burning down trees and ruining the town.. The sky goes grey and the stars disappear.

Back in Remainia..

I teleport back into Remainia to see the ice side was smaller than before.

"What's going on.." I say.

"I told you, if they don't have their leader.. They begin to take care of themselves."

"Where's mum?" I ask.

"They're-- at the castle.."

The fire side creeps up more over the ice and burns Samantha's feet,
"Ouch!" She runs over to the other.

I look over, "That's.. Wow."

She nods, "Follow me."

Samantha leads me to the castle, the fire side grows over the ice more and more..

"Mum!" Yells Samantha.

Mum runs outside, "Elena! You're here! Look I know the outside needs you, but I need to show you something, now."

I follow mum down to the dungeon into the power room.

I walk past a mirror to see a fire and ice side of me has formed, half of me was cold, icy and blue.. The other was hot, flaming and orange.

I shake my head and follow her.

She throws a potion on the floor and opens a window, it shows a live video of Earth and the shadow morphs attacking them, the cars were destroyed, trees were on fire, and a lot of people crammed in one house, safe with shelter.
The whole sky was pitch black, everything was..

"W-wait.. If this is live.. Doesn't that mean you have changed Earth's time to the same as ours?!"

"Exactly! Abella and Faith made a potion so that whenever we go there, no years will pass back here..
But.... they also accidentally opened a portal to Earth in the shadow morphs kingdom, and now Earth is being attacked."

"Well we need to help them!"

"Elena! If you leave back to Earth, Remainia will be destroyed by the time you get back!"

"N-no.. Don't make me choose.. Please--"

"I'm sorry.. But it's Remainia, or Earth, you don't have much time so hurry."

I shake in fear as I look at myself in the mirror, the fire side was taking over the ice side in Remainia and on my body..

But the shadow morphs were destroying Earth.. And soon, everyone in there too...

Oooh I told you I'd enjoy writing these chapters!!
I love you alll <3 I hope you're enjoying my book so far! I'm sorry if this one is a bit long o-o I may have gotten carried away lol.

I'll be making a Valentines Day story, and I'll be taking requests for people to be in the story! Just message me on Wattpad, describing your personality and send me a picture of what you wanna look like! (I'll give my kik/Instagram)
And I'll fit you in the story!
I'm still planning it! It'll be released soon!
Bye loves♥️

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