The Prologue

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'How come she married him?' Harry asked, obviously not happy about the behaviour his father had shown that particular day. Sirius couldn't help but smile noticing how Lily-like Harry could be. He exchanged a look with Remus knowing he thought the exact same thing. 'She hated him!' The men shook their heads in a synchronized way that only the best of friends could do.

'Nah, she didn't,' Sirius said, knowing Evans wasn't one to hate people, even though she was a master at pretending to hate Prongs' guts, stubborn as she always was. He noticed the disbelieving look in his godsons' eyes and decided it was time to do something about that. If there was anyone who had the right to know how great James Potter and Lily Evans were together, it was their son. He would not let Snivellus make Harry think badly of them. James didn't deserve that. Not after being the best friend one could ever hope for. Not after being such an honourable husband. Sirius knew Evans would hunt him until his dead if he didn't clean up Snivellus' mess and one would never want Evans to hunt him. Except for Prongs of course, but his best friend always liked a bit of danger in his life. Sirius himself was rather on the redheads' good side after she once punished him by cutting of his devilishly handsome long dark locks.

'She started going out with him in seventh year,' Remus explained Harry on which Sirius added 'Once James had deflated his head a bit.' Both men couldn't stop grinning thinking about all the times that Evans insulted the size of Prongs' head. That had happened too many times to keep count, though the redhead herself knew exactly how many times James had asked her out, or tried to ask her out. Many times he failed and got beaten up even before he actually asked.

'Look Harry,' Sirius said, being quite serious now. 'I understand that what you saw wasn't your fathers prettiest side.'

'Though he himself would say all of his sides were prettier than anyone else could dream to be,' Remus added and the two men smirked. He would have said that most definitely.

'Why don't you come over? Just step into the fire. No one will notice. Then we Marauders will tell you exactly what made the feisty ginger marry our deer beloved Prongs.' Sirius could see the disapproval in Remus' green eyes, but decided to ignore it. It was important Harry knew the truth about his parents plus The history of Lames, as Sirius liked to call it, was a great story to tell his godson, since he himself was the hero who saved Prongs' pathetic love life.

'I'm not sure if that's such a good idea,' Harry said, though Sirius could almost smell there wasn't much Harry needed to be convinced. He knew the look in those emerald eyes far to well. It was exactly how Evans had watched James from a distance a few months before she finally gave in.

'Ah, where is your sense for a little mischief, Harry James Potter,' he therefor said, grinning at Remus, who was about to protest.

'Minerva will kill you, Padfoot.' Sirius looked at his friend, who clearly didn't like the idea of secretly having Harry over, but he wasn't one to listen.

'But it's old toad Umbridge who is the boss now and I would never miss out on an opportunity at teaching that old hag we won't listen to her pink rubbish. Besides, Minnie loves me. She would never kill her favourite student.' Remus sighed while rolling his eyes, but he knew he would never be able to stop a Sirius Black on a mission and so Harry stepped out of the fire and joined the two men for a typically British cup of tea at Grimmauld Place. Sirius took a sip of his tea, before leaning back in his chair, studying Harry, who clearly was impatiently waiting for him to start telling a tale he had longed to hear ever since he was old enough to realize he missed his real parents, a lot.

'So Harry, are you ready for being told about the heroic rescue of the magnificent smoking hot Sirius Orion Black?' Sirius asked, giving him a wink.

'Sirius, I have no clue what happened to your memories while spending twelve years in Azkaban, but I haven't got the faintest idea what you're talking about and I should, since I was there,' Remus interrupted. Sirius waved his protests away.

'Guess you just have to wait and listen as well, Moony. Just like Harry,' he said happily before becoming dead serious while slowly folding his hands. 'It began in our sixth year on a cold Friday evening in February, when your mum entered the common room way too happy compared to her usual state of being after a normal school day,' Sirius told Harry, who bended a little towards him.

'Did it?' Remus asked, but immediately got shushed by both Harry and Sirius himself.

'Yeah, it definitely did.'

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