2.1 ~ The Marauder Tower

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"Sirius was quite certain it was past twelve O'clock when the door of their dormitory finally opened and the last member of their gang entered their Marauder tower. A smile crept up his face as he hid himself underneath the blanket. He pointed his ears, listening to the soft sounds his roommate made, while brushing his teeth and putting on his pyjamas. It took way too long. He had already waited for hours. Strange enough, usually Sirius was the one who stayed up too late, but he got bored of Jazzy and ditched her some time ago.

He almost gave up his hiding place, figuring the surprise wasn't worth the waiting, when the red curtains moved. Without noticing someone was already in his bed, Remus stepped into it. He sighed relaxed, but this feeling of comfort and peace only lasted for one second.

'Merlins pants, Padfoot, what are you doing in my bed?' he hissed, while trying to get away from Sirius and thereby almost falling on the ground. Sirius caught his arm just in time, to pull him back, so that he could use him as a pillow. It wasn't something he hadn't done before, but Remus just didn't expect him to be here in this very moment. He expected him to be fast asleep, so that he could reminisce on his time with the slutty Slytherin in his dreams. But Sirius didn't have time to dream. He needed to talk to Remus.

'Moony Swoony Dwoony, I need you,' he desperately said, looking at the boy opening the widest eyes he could produce in this very moment. He batted his eyelashes, hoping his friend wouldn't push him on the ground. He sometimes did that, but apparently Remus couldn't resist the curiosity Sirius awakened. He sighed once again, this time more out of annoyance than comfort and leaned with his head against his pillow.

'Fine, what's up?' he whispered on which Sirius smiled. Victory was his.

'Well, something strange happened today after you and Pete left.' He could see the sceptical look in Remus' eyes. He didn't take him serious and since his name was Sirius and therefor he should always be taken seriously, he didn't like that at all. He knew he could be quite the drama queen, but this time he actually for once was very serious. It was about Prongs' wellbeing after all and he was quite sure only Remus had the right answer. He might have ignored Remus' good advice for the past five years, but now he desperately wanted it.

'Oh, you didn't get "it" up?' Sirius was shocked. How could Remus think this was about something like that? How could he even think that at all? It didn't matter his voice sounded sarcastic. Even then it wasn't a thing one should say to Sirius Black.

'Bloody hell, no, Moony! Who do you even think you're talking to?' Remus smiled sweetly, which made Sirius curse under his breath. Damn, he probably wanted him to react that way. 'Oh stop smiling, child of the devil. I am actually trying to have a normal conversation here for once.' Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius and closed his eyes. He was probably tired. Sirius hoped he wouldn't fall asleep in the middle of the story.

'Okay, I'll listen, Paddie. Tell me, what's wrong?'

'Well, if you insist, you know we were on a mission to make Prongs forget Evans right?' He asked, relaxing in Remus' arms. He liked having friends who didn't mind hugging him the way his mum and dad did. The boy nodded and so Sirius continued his story. 'Well, he was actually doing great. With this girl named Elive, from Ravenclaw. Do you know her?'

'Yes, I do. She likes reading as well I think. I see her in the library quite often reading books about the more girly stuff. Mostly pink and purple books if I'm correct.' Sirius stared at Remus for a few seconds. He didn't know he actually watched other people while being in the library. Actually that was quite smart. Mostly people in the library were too busy reading or studying that they didn't even notice you observing them. Only Evans did when it was Prongs who was the one staring at her, of course. Now Sirius knew how Remus got most of the information they needed to prank the geeks the past five years! Maybe Sirius should go to the library more often. Wait, no. He was Sirius Black. He couldn't go to the library. But it was quite clever of Remus. He had to admit that.

'Well that was going great, but we went to get some drinks and kinda saw Evans there and it seemed she was buying her own drinks, so Prongs bought her a drink instead of Prewett, saying she deserved it. At first she was planning on getting mad, but then she didn't say anything and eventually she even thanked him and gave him a smile. A smile, Remus! And later on she even made a joke -it wasn't funny though- and thanked him again. It was weird, extremely weird. I really thought she was going to curse him or something. That would have been a normal reaction. Well, for redhead Evans. Other girls rather do other things to our Prongs, if you know what I mean.' Remus rolled his eyes at him. It was his usual reaction when Sirius mentioned anything that was related to snogging or shagging. It was insanely prudish and adorable, but Sirius wasn't going to say that out loud.

'I actually already knew that happened. Lily told me.' Sirius mouth dropped as he stared at Remus. She told him? Why would she do that? He knew Remus and Lily actually were great friends. Especially since they became prefects together, but he hadn't expect her to talk about this to anyone. Well, maybe Mary since that was her best friend, but besides that...

'She did?' suddenly a head appeared through the opening of the curtains surrounding the bed. Well, it seemed James was awake as well. Sirius couldn't help but feel slightly awkward. He had been discussing the love life of his best mate with his other best mate and now it seemed that that best mate had heard everything he had said. James climbed on the bed as well, almost pushing Sirius overboard. He figured it was more important that James didn't know they were discussing him than the fact he almost got pushed out of Remus' bed. If anyone had the right to be in Remus' bed it was Sirius, obviously.

'And did you know Jazzy's full name is Jazlynn? She hates it though, that's why she calls herself Jazzy. She was really interesting, for one day.' James lifted his eyebrows at him. Well, it was worth the try.

'So everyone who was too slow to get she's a slut will know now too, because Jazzy sounds like some bad stripper name or something?' Remus snorted and patted James on the shoulder. Wow, he and Evans really liked making fun of Sirius and his project today, didn't they? And it seemed even Remus enjoyed them doing that. He should have said something to shut them up, but frankly it was a good one, so he couldn't think of anything at the moment. He figured the prank he planned for James just had to be epic. 'But did she really tell you?' James added enthusiastically moving up and down, making the bed creak dangerously. Poor bed.

'Yeah she did. Why don't you just join us, James? It's not like MY bed isn't full enough or something,' Remus said, definitely being sarcastic again. James ignored the tone of his voice, though. He kept hopping up and down like some total wanker. Apparently they were having a Marauder night tonight, if you counted Peters snoring as attendance of the fourth member of their gang, naturally."

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