3.1 ~ The Haka Wardance Prank

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'What does a prank have to do with my mum falling in love with my dad?' Harry asked curiously, interrupting Sirius' story of the Haka Wardance prank. The man laughed as if it was as clear as vodka. Even Remus now understood where he was going. Problem was that Harry had no idea what kind of people his parents were and how they became a couple. Therefor a prank, something it seemed would only piss off Lily Evans, couldn't be the reason the two ended up together, but it was one of those moments that made Lily fall in love with James, even though James would never believe those kind of moments existed. He was the last one to see the struggle Lily was in, even though he was the only one who could help and understand her. Quickly Sirius stopped laughing.

'Well, actually it all makes sense, when you hear the rest of the story. Trust me. Your mum was quite cool actually, as long as we didn't bully innocent people. Professor Crayon was far from innocent and she knew that even better than we did back then.'

"Sirius thought he was going mad. They had been in the library for three hours. THREE hours! He was miserable. He wasn't sure if one could be allergic to books or die from an overdose, but he was dead anyway. At home his former father and mother had a library as well and Sirius found on a very young age that one shouldn't spend too long inside that devilish room full of books.

With tiresome eyes he looked at the mirror he got from James, when his best friend had found out what was happening inside the noble house of Black. Just to make sure he could always help him if necessary. Was the library making him look less handsome? It seemed like it. He had to get out of here. No matter what. It was all Prongs' fault anyway. If the wanker would have remembered which book he had read, or at least where they could find it. But no. They had to search the whole library to find information about that bloody Australian cave men dance thingy. Even Evans had noticed they had been there way too long, even though she tried to hide the fact she had noticed James was in the same room as her at all.

'Prongsssss,' Sirius started whining again. It was in their Marauder code they had to help each other out while pranking no matter what, but Sirius really wanted to get out of here, so he just kept trying in the hope the others would get so annoyed that they begged him to go. 'I think I'm getting wrinkles around my eyes. I'm positive the library makes one less hot. Can I go? I mean, Peter and Remus are lost cases, but what am I without my handsomeness? I don't have your Quidditch skills. My appearance is all I have!' James lifted one eyebrow, looking quite funny actually.

'Padfoot, shut up. Keep looking. It has to be here somewhere.' Why did he pick the friend who would never give in to work with again?

'Fine, then I'll just ask Evans.' Well, that at least had more effect than everything else.

'What? No! Why? We can't ask Evans. She has to think I don't like her anymore!' Sirius sighed.

'But she is a muggleborn and knows everything. She must know about that cavemen dance.' James seemed to have trouble deciding if Sirius was right or not. It wouldn't take long before he was convinced. Sirius knew his best mate far too well. He could never stay away from Evans long and they actually had a good reason to talk to her this time. 'It won't do any harm. I promise.' James shook his head and stood up. Yes, jackpot!

'Fine, but if you're wrong, I will destroy your hair.' Sirius gasped. How could anyone be that cruel?

'You're just jealous, because your hair is a mess,' he squealed, covering his head with his hands.

'Are you insane? I love my messy hair. Girls dig what. Isn't that right, Evans?' They had barely reached the red head and James was talking nonsense already. Well, if he was acting this way already, Sirius better prepared himself for air force attacks on his hair. Maybe he could buy himself an epic motorcycle helmet to protect his most precious property. An irritated moan left the red heads mouth. She wasn't amused they were bothering her. At all.

'How would I know? If you call those dumb Barbie dolls that like your hair girls, I don't I even want to be a girl.' She was sighing, looking rather tired. She definitely wasn't in the mood for Prongs' stupid behaviour and so Sirius smacked him on the back of his head.

'Mate, I believe you meant to ask her a complete different question.' The offended look disappeared from the hazel eyes and James couched, trying to save his bloody ass. He completely missed the fact Evans couldn't help herself from smiling a little, enjoying the show. Sirius needed all the strength in his body to contain himself from letting her know he did see that. They needed the red head. Provoking her wasn't the best idea at this very moment. Maybe later.

'Right. Well, since you know much about muggles and stuff, I was wondering if you happen to know about this epic Australian cavemen dance tradition. I read about it a few days ago, but I forgot where.' At first Lily frowned in a very scary "I-am-gonna-find-out-whatever-you're-planning-and-make-sure-you'll-get-punished" kind of way, but luckily then the laughing came. Sirius could only sigh in relief, but James lifted his eyebrow once again. 'What is so funny about that?'

'Australian? Well that explains why you guys have been here for hours. You searched at the wrong place. The Haka is a tradition from New Zealand.' Okay, now it was time to strangle Prongs. They had searched for Australian traditions the whole time. 'What are you planning to do with it?' Ah, there it was. The dangerous Evans that liked making them pay for the pranks they pulled. They had to watch their steps with her now. Otherwise the prank would go terribly wrong. Maybe there wouldn't even be a prank then.

'Can't tell. You have to watch the Quidditch finals if you want to find out I guess. You never know if there are spies anywhere around.' Evans didn't seem to believe him. Not even the slightest bit. Even though it was partly the truth. 'How do you even know about the dance anyway?' Ignoring the fact de red head wasn't amused being in his company; he sat down next to her. Sirius decided the table suited him better.

'My dad loves watching all kind of sports. My mom doesn't and my sister often thinks it looks disgusting, so that leaves me,' she said, while shrugging her shoulders. Well, you could say they were having a nice and decent conversation. This was actually going great, if you took into account that these were James and Lily that we were talking about. 'There isn't anyone going to get hurt? Or innocent people going to get bullied?' she asked, sounding really worried. Both boys immediately shook their heads. It was again the truth. That bloody professor was far from innocent and there was nobody going to get hurt. Sirius knew Evans would disagree with this, but she was just too good for this world sometimes. Never for James, but besides that? For everything.

'Well, if it does happen I can always give you a detention and deduct house points from Gryffindor I guess,' she eventually decided and closed the book she was reading to put away in her bag. "

~ Oh my Merlin, I'm sooooo sorry it took this long before I updated the story again. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. Well at least I hope so haha.

Oh and everyone who was thinking WAIT ISN'T THAT FROM NEW ZEALAND? Jap you're right. That was the whole point. I know my way around google and James Potter is an idiot. But one we love <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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