1.4 ~ A Date

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"It felt a bit like the good old times where James and Sirius were each other's wingmen and always scored the hottest girls. They hadn't done that yet this year, mostly because James had been obsessed with Quidditch, being the captain and all. Plus he only had eyes for Lily Evans it seemed, but Sirius noticed he was really trying this time. Apparently Evans' sweet smile hadn't made James change his mind just yet. They were enjoying their drinks while talking furiously about Quidditch. Well, James and Elive were talking mostly. Sirius knew Jazzy was looking for something entirely different and he didn't mind that, at all.

'You're in the Gryffindor team too right?' Elive suddenly asked Sirius. He only had eyes for Jazzy, Elive was James', but he decided answering her question wouldn't cause any trouble.

'Yeah, apparently James thought I was good enough to make it to the team as a Beater.' He felt Jazzy's hand stroking his leg, which made him shudder under her touch. They had picked the right two girls for today. That was for sure. He saw James rolling his eyes. It was probably because Jazzy was a Slytherin, he thought. He couldn't recall James had done that before when they were on a hunt for girls. Usually he smirked when Sirius had gotten a hold of a beautiful girl like Jazzy.

'Oh you really should show me your beating skills soon.' Sirius turned towards her and bowed forward to whisper in her ear. She was just too easy. A month would be much too long, he decided. He barely had to do anything to get her exactly where he liked her. It was almost getting boring. Almost. Luckily she was wearing a short skirt and a revealing blouse, showing him how beautiful she was. Otherwise he would have lost his interest by now.

'How soon did you have in mind?' Someone behind him snorted, which made James laugh. Elive and Jazzy didn't look too happy though.

'Can you please do that sooner instead of later. Remus and me have rounds tonight, since I asked Ravenclaw to swap. They first had planned us on the fourth, but I had something else that night. Point is, I really don't like opening classrooms and stuff to find shagging people and so does Remus.' Evans, again. This time she was carrying two empty bottles. Probably Prewetts, since she had a cup of tea. Not a bottle. Clearly James thought her responding to Sirius flirting with Jazzy was hilarious. Oh now Sirius was definitely going to prank him soon. No one laughed at Sirius Orion Black without getting pranked afterwards.

'Whatever you wish, miss Evans. I wouldn't want to scar Moony for life, now, wouldn't I.' Jazzy seemed quite offended and it was clear Elive didn't appreciate the fact James' obsession was now talking to them, again. Evans could see that too, cause she lifted her eyebrows at the girls and put down the bottles on the bar.

'Well enjoy your day. And thanks again, Potter.' She quickly walked back to Prewett, who was waiting for her at the door. He possessively wrapped his arm around her waist and they disappeared through the door. Sirius exchanged a slightly annoyed look with James. Prewett hadn't made himself popular. He was a great guy, but he clearly didn't know how to treat his girl. Even Sirius was doing a better job at that and he broke their hearts over and over again.

'Can you please do that sooner instead of later. Remus and me have rounds tonight,' Jazzy copied Evans with a silly face. Elive giggled again, but both boys didn't even smile a little. Their minds were only thinking of one thing now that Evans had disappeared. The fourth had been a full moon, a good one. They were getting better at being friends to a werewolf every time it was a full moon. Sometimes Remus had bad nights, but it was going so much better now they kept him company, played with him and discovered the forbidden forest. It had been an amazing night. They just hadn't thought of the fact Remus had to make sure he didn't have rounds on a full moon, but apparently Evans had been helpful with that. Did she know? Remus hadn't told her, Sirius was sure of that. Otherwise he, James and Peter would know. They told each other everything. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but both Sirius and James decided they should keep an eye on Evans.

'You know, we should go too,' Jazzy said stroking his arm this time. Sirius nodded and emptied his bottle in his throat. James lifted Elive's coat from her seat and helped her in it. The four left the Three Broomsticks after saying goodbye to Madam Rosmerta and walked through the rain back to the castle. Sirius noticed Elive had guided James' attention back to her and her only by talking about Quidditch again. It was the only thing that always worked on James. Sirius had seen girls do that way too often. The funny thing was he could talk to the boy about almost everything without loosing his attention. Pranks, magic, politics, girls, problems, everything. But that was probably why the two were best friends together with Remus and Peter.

'You know, we should leave them alone. I think Elive would like that. And judging from the look on James' face, she can give him much more than that prudish Evans would ever give him, don't you think?' Sirius frowned, but figured it wouldn't matter if they would leave James alone with Elive or not. James could take care of himself and Elive quite well.

'You sure this is about Elive and James?' he whispered back. Jazzy giggled and pushed him towards the nearest broom closet. Well, he was planning on spending a day with the boys and pranking a lot, but they had done that already and he didn't mind having to spend time with Jazzy in a tiny little room where no one would look for them. Actually he was having a great day. He just hoped James was too. He had a hard time reading the boy at the moment, but frankly it wasn't really his problem. He had found him a distraction from Evans and that had been his mission. Besides, he had no time for concerns, since a soft pair of lips was occupying his. He grinned and pushed the girl roughly against the wall.

'So, about my beating skills...' Oh, how Sirius loved Valentine's Day."

'Wait, so my mum dated some guy named Fabian Prewett and my dad some girl named Elive? But how on earth did this help them end up together?' Harry asked Sirius, who smiled. Sometimes it was like no one understood him these days. Yeah, he definitely missed Prongs, but talking about him to Harry helped a lot. Besides the story about "Lames" was a great one. He noticed even Remus was enjoying it, since his eyes were dreamy, thinking of their glory days.

'Fabian Prewett, youngest brother of Molly. He died during the war. And Elive Edgecombe, who works for the Ministry of Magic nowadays.' He explained to Harry who furrowed his brow hearing those names. 'Fabian really was a nice guy though. He just... well let's say he and your mum weren't a great combination. And he really didn't know how to date girls.' Remus had to laugh loudly, which made Harry even more curious about how the story would continue. Something Sirius didn't found very strange and he was happy to tell his godson more. They should have been able to tell him this many years ago, but fate never exactly did what you wanted it to do. Well, at least most times it didn't. After all, fate had brought love and friendship to his life, something one should never forget. 

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