2.2 ~ The Marauder Tower

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"'Thank you, Moony. What did she say about me?' James replied instead of leaving the poor bed alone. Oh Merlin, he was definitely walking the wrong path again. Well, unless this meant Lily Evans wasn't out of his reach after all, but it was hard to believe that was the case. Lily Evans would always be Lily Evans. No one could change that and Sirius didn't think she had ever despised someone more than James. It was not like Sirius didn't want the girl to fall in love with his best friend. He was quite certain they would make a great couple, if she would give it a chance. James was after all an amazing person. The problem was that the redhead was just as stubborn as James. And Sirius for that matter.

'Not much, but she was upset about a fight between her and Fabian. She gave me a short version of what happened in the Three Broomsticks to explain what the fight was about.' James' dorky smile got broader by the second as he messed up his hair even more in pure excitement, Remus queue to spoil the poor bloke's happiness. 'And they made up, James. He apologised and explained he isn't very good at these things. Said to her he never liked a girl more than he likes her. Oh and he gave her a very pretty notebook with sweet quotes on some pages.' The dark haired boy huffed, clearly not impressed by the gift or Fabians excuses. He folded his arms and stared at some red spot behind Remus and Sirius, as if he didn't want to look at his friends.

'I really don't get her. He was a bigger assface than I usually am, but still he gets make up kisses and I get screaming and nasty curses I don't even know existed.' Sirius bit his lip. He really wanted to help James, but he didn't know how. Usually he just made fun of James and told him to go snog a pretty girl, but frankly he couldn't this time. He had already been afraid that Evans-smile had done something to his best friend and it seemed that was exactly what happened even though he had pretended nothing was wrong the whole evening. Apparently James Potter was good at that. Sirius himself was a drama queen most of the time and Remus was a terrible liar when it came down to lying to the three other boys. James usually didn't have anything to complain about, the perfect life. Or at least it seemed as if his life was perfect. He was rich and spoiled. He loved himself and his life and didn't fear anything. It was a mask though. It was all just a mask.

'Mate, I know you love her emerald green bright eyes, but I really think they aren't working quite right. She just won't see how great you are.' Sirius moved over to James with great effort. The bed creaked again and he wondered if it was going to collapse. 'I know for some reason you want her, but there are hundreds of girls that are seeing every perfect detail of you.' He wrapped his arms around his best friend and hugged him tightly.

'You really are a dog, Sirius. With all that need for petting and attention,' Remus said smiling at the two of them. 'But he is right, James. She has seen the worst of you and she isn't one to just forget that. I disagree with the whole thing about her eyes though. I think she sees those amazing qualities of yours just fine. I actually know she does.' James looked up from the comforting hug of his best friend, on which Sirius went back to his original position. After all he didn't think de bed quite liked him hugging James, judging from its protesting sounds.

'How do you mean?' Remus seemed to have doubts to tell James the truth, but after Sirius' nods, de boy concluded he better could just tell everything. They were finally listening to him after all.

'I don't know if you noticed, but Lily has this amazing quality to see the good sides of literally everything. It wouldn't surprise me if she could write a complete essay of the good qualities of Mulciber.' Both James and Sirius looked as if they were getting sick and had to throw up. It was true though. Lily Evans sometimes defended the most disgusting people, just because it was the right thing to do. Not because they deserved it, if you asked Sirius. 'The problem is that you were a dick to her for five years, James. She loved Severus Snape as we love each other; he was her best friend as Sirius is yours. She knew him as someone else, someone who would never hurt her. Yes, he eventually did, he snapped after all those things you did to him, but that isn't the point here. You two laughed at her, when she tried to explain to you what was wrong with what you did. Figured you could just hurt her, not notice you did and ask her out again in the most humiliating ways as if she is some game to you instead of a person.'

The whole room got silent for a few minutes, letting sink in what Remus just said. Only Peters snoring was disturbing the thoughts drifting through the space. Sirius couldn't help but worry about James' wellbeing. He knew it was never James intention to hurt Lily Evans. He was just jealous that someone like Snivellus was able to make her care about him and he wasn't. Besides, James had been raised thinking all Slytherins were bad and the first thing Snivellus said was that he wanted to become one, insulting the house James had been fond of for many years, since his parents were Gryffindors too. It was even said Fleamont Potter had a lion as a Patronus, but Sirius hadn't seen it yet. It was definitely one of the most awesome Patronuses ever, though.

'Hey, do you think Peters Patronus would be a giant rat? I mean, it can't be the normal size right? And it's pretty obvious it would be a rat since he is a rat,' Sirius suddenly wondered out loud. James lifted his eyebrows at him and Remus seemed confused.

'I have no idea, Padfoot. Why are you even talking about this in the first place? I thought we were talking about Lily, in a good not gossiping way of course.' Sirius shrugged his shoulders. He was one of those people who didn't like waiting 'till someone said something. Besides, Evans wasn't that interesting and maybe his ideas would cheer up James, who was thinking way too long. He never thought that long. James was the sort of person who would try a thousand things until something worked. Remus was the one who always thought for days before he came with a solution.

'I never meant to hurt her. I just- how can she love Snivellus the way I love Sirius? That's just... She's perfect. He doesn't deserve that. With his dark arts and awful friends. He called her the M-word! He hurt her much more without a reason. She was always way too kind for his sorry ass.' He clenched his fists, turning his knuckles as white as the sheets. Sirius shook his head.

'As Moony said, maybe he was different before Hogwarts, before he started using the dark arts or something?' It was hard to believe Snivellus Snape hadn't been a creep since the day he was born, but if it could help James convince Evans... 'Why don't you ask her and actually listen to her?' His friends were shocked. It was again something quite reasonable.

'You know what? Maybe I will. But first she has to find out for herself Prewett isn't her type. Besides, I still have a date with Elive. If she thinks I am not interested in her anymore, maybe she would actually talk to me without looking disgusted.' A satisfied grin spread across James' face, making Sirius content as well. That wasn't a bad plan at all. Which made sense: the Marauders never made bad plans." 

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