1.1 ~ A Date

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"At half past nine Lily Evans finally entered the common room hidden deep into her sweater to shield herself from the February cold, but feeling warm inside nevertheless. On her face a broad smile, something that had been rare the past few months. Peter had blamed the lack of food she seemed to consume, James the lack of time she spent in his company and Sirius the lack of humour there was behind her pretty face. As usual Remus had some smart theory none of the other boys were interested in, since it contained James' greatest enemy: Severus Snape. Remus had given up convincing them after two weeks and figured his friends were hopeless.

'Oi Evans, why do you look so extremely happy?' James asked, immediately consumed by her presence. 'Don't you think she looks more content than she has seemed for weeks, Padfoot?' He then said, forcing Sirius to look up from his muggle motorbike magazine at the girl that was now rolling her eyes at his best friend.

'I don't know mate. Maybe she's just happy to see you?' He grinned at first, expecting an outburst from the red head, but frowned when his words for a change didn't seem to affect her, at all. She folded her arms like she always did, but in the same time she smiled as if nothing could ever steal her good mood away. In fact, it seemed as if she looked down on the boys and Sirius, arrogant and proud from the day he was born, didn't like this new behaviour of Evans. James on the other hand didn't seem to mind her sudden change of behaviour towards them and just enjoyed the fact she hadn't hexed him, yet.

'So while you're here anyway I wanted to ask if you-'

'I already have a date for this Hogsmeade weekend, Potter,' she interrupted James looking quite content with herself. All four boys gasped. Even Remus lost his interest for the heavy book he was reading and stared at the girl.

'A date? You?' Sirius asked sceptically. Everyone knew Lily Evans wasn't the dating type. The first five years she spent too much time with her friends Mary and Marlene, or she was in the company of Severus Snape. Then The Incident happened and from then on she barely even looked at the boys that paid attention to her. She was too caught up with studying and beating everyone at every single test to actually live. Sirius got all the inside information from Marlene McKinnon, who was, if one asked Sirius Black, definitely the coolest girl at Hogwarts.

'You have a date?' James asked,  pretending to be "just interested", though his friends knew better. The usual mischievous glint wasn't there and when it wasn't, James Potter was unhappy about something. It rarely happened, but when it did, Sirius always noticed its absence. In general it was the moment to start worrying about James.

'With someone else than Prongs? Why?' Peter was obviously completely confused. Sirius knew that in his eyes Sirius himself and James were perfect. A girl would be crazy to date someone else if she could date one of the two most popular boys in school, but Evans always had been the only girl to say no to James.

'Because I don't date arrogant toerags, Peter. I thought you got that by now,' she answered patiently. It was incredible how patient that girl was with everyone but James. She gave the boys a content smile before walking to the stairs that led to the girls' dormitory. Stairs that Sirius and James still had to mislead somehow. It had been on their big "Marauder to do list" for four years now. The girls shouldn't be allowed to have a place they were save from Marauder pranks. They had covered almost every place in the castle. Even the Ravenclaw common room! They just had to get up there. Sirius was about to bring up the topic, not interested at all in Evans' whereabouts, when James called after her.

'Who is the lucky guy?' The redhead seemed to be in doubt for a second, but then opened her mouth anyway. She probably just wanted to be the one to brag for once, even though she didn't need it to impress poor Prongs.

'Not that it's any of your business, but it's Fabian Prewett.' Both James and Peter stared at her in shock.

'The head boy? But he's a seventh year! He's way too old for you. And he doesn't even know the difference between a Bludger and a Quaffle! Plus his eyes are dull and he walks funny.' Remus sighed and threw his book at James to shut him up. Sirius wasn't surprised about his reaction. Both him and Remus knew he would never be able to act long like he was cool with it and they better made sure he shut up before he would say something really really stupid, something that would piss off Evans for sure. Sirius and Remus knew she could be very dangerous when one spoiled her good mood.

'So? At least he's not an egoistic dickhead that has so much arrogance in his huge airhead that he doesn't understand the meaning of the word "no".' The door slammed shut behind her tiny figure leaving the four boys flabbergasted in their seats at the window.

'So that's why he always wanted to talk to Lily after the meetings. He liked her,' Remus eventually said not noticing the ears of James were growing more and more red by the second.

'And you couldn't have warned me?' he almost screamed. The other three lifted their eyebrows. Everyone knew it had been just a matter of time before Lily Evans decided that she was a normal girl that should date like all the other girls and James couldn't claim her. She was an independent girl, a true feminist it seemed, something Sirius quite admired as long as it wasn't used against him.

'James, Lily isn't some price you can claim. If she likes Fabian there isn't much you can do about it,' Remus explained. Both him, Sirius himself and Peter looked at James and expected some stupid comment, but instead he sighed deeply and hid his head in his hands. He looked downright miserable.

'I know all right! I just wished she understood I don't ignore her rejections because I want to be annoying or want to look stupid!' Sirius looked at his best friend in a state of confusedness.

'Mate, then why do you keep asking the poor girl out in the most ridiculous ways?' It was silent for a long time until James emptied his throat and stood up.

'I don't know. I'm going to bed.' And with that he left the common room, leaving his friends clueless."

'Tell me again why it started with that particular evening, Padfoot?' Remus asked Sirius sceptically. 'I mean, that happened long before they started dating.' Harry didn't understand his godfather either. Probably Azkaban did cloud Sirius' memories, but he didn't want to prevent him from telling about his parents as much as possible. Not after having to live with the lies of his uncle and aunt for almost eleven years. He wanted to know more about his parents. Actually he just wanted to know everything about them. His dad still sounded a bit like a jerk and his mum definitely couldn't stand him, but that only made him more curious about what happened.

'Ah my friends, don't you see? That was the very moment our beloved Prongs decided he didn't just like pestering Lily Evans. No he liked hér. Truly madly liked her and he wanted to get rid of these scary feelings before he became too girly. Plus, sweet little miss Evans finally started letting people in again. This was the beginning of Lames and you're a fool if you don't see that.' 

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