1.3 ~ A Date

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"And so Sirius and James entered the way too crowdie Three Broomsticks looking for girls who weren't on a date with their boring boyfriend. Of course Sirius usually didn't mind them having a boyfriend, 'cause it wasn't his fault the girls liked him better, but now he had James with him who desperately needed a nice trustworthy girl who could wow him, so that Evans got out of his head. This plan already showed some problems though, mainly because the redhead was in the same building talking to her date.

Sirius grabbed James' wrist and dragged him towards the bar where Madam Rosmerta served her customers with slightly pink cheeks from the heat. Among the customers were two girls Sirius knew all to well. Mostly because one of them, the gorgeous brunette with at least twenty red roses in her hand called Jazzy, was one of his projects. The other one was Elive, her best friend, and, what made Sirius feel like he just won the jackpot, a redhead. Well, Elive didn't have the beautiful long deep red locks Evans was blessed with. It was more like some weird red-blonde shade, but it would do. Besides, she was a Ravenclaw and Sirius knew she liked Quidditch, though she hadn't made it into the Ravenclaw team.

Sirius looked around one more time to see if he could find a better offer, but decided that the others wouldn't even stand a chance. Plus, he saw that James was going to get miserable again if he didn't do something about it anytime soon. Elive and Jazzy it was.

'Hey Jazzy, what is a gorgeous looking girl like yourself doing without a date on Valentine's Day?' He asked casually. He saw that James first looked at Jazzy, then frowned and focussed his attention at Elive with a bit more interest. Well, that was going just great, wasn't it?

'I could say the same about you,' Jazzy answered with a voice sweet as honey. She wasn't that sweet though. Maybe to Elive, but she liked to manipulate the rest of he world for some reason. It was a hobby of hers, which made her interesting enough to be his project for more or less a month. Not much longer.

'I wouldn't call Sirius a girl,' James suddenly said, cutting in. 'Gorgeous looking, yes, but a girl, nah.' Jazzy clearly didn't appreciated James ruining her ways to flirt with Sirius, but Sirius himself snorted. Even better, Elive had to giggle. That meant she had James' humour. Another thing Evans lacked. No humour and no Quidditch. Sometimes he wondered how James, funny, sportive James, could be so fond of Evans, but sadly even Sirius had to admit Evans could be quite likable. Especially when she was insulting mean Slytherins, defending herself and others. Of course her insults were funny too when she used them for Prongs, but Sirius liked it better when those awful guys were her victims instead of his best friend. Showing them no one hurt someone Lily Evans cared about without experiencing the horrible consequences.

Great, now Sirius was analysing the redhead. He better paid attention to Jazzy before someone noticed he was just here to help Prongs out. Plus, it would be nice if he could get that Jazzy alone in some quiet alley sometime soon. Very nice.

'Does anyone of you want to drink anything?' he decided to ask the two ladies and James, who was about to get into a discussion with Jazzy, something that probably wouldn't end well. James didn't like Slytherins, in general. Sirius knew not all of them were truly evil, like Jazzy –she was just a slutty slightly arrogant girl, not a soon to be death eater- but Sirius understood why James was being extremely careful. Hating all Slytherins was definitely the easiest way to avoid possible Death eaters.

Sirius took their orders and pushed himself a way through the crowd towards Madam Rosmerta. There he ended up next to Lily Evans, who bended towards Rosmerta to order something. Sirius couldn't help but notice she had outdone herself. She clearly put some effort in the date, but judging from the fact she was paying her own drink, Prewett hadn't. In some way it made Sirius mad. The guy was lucky Evans said yes to him and he clearly wasn't even grateful enough to act like a gentleman for her. He was about to think it was a good thing James hadn't come with him, when he appeared on his left side.

'Why is Evans paying her own drinks, while she definitely is worth serving?' he sneered. Sirius shrugged his shoulders as in saying they should mind their own business. They had two pretty girls waiting for them. It was Evans' problem. Not theirs, but James was already pushing the redhead out of the way and gave some money to Rosmerta before she could.

'Potter, what for the love of God do you think you are doing?' Oh Merlin, she was clearly pissed. She always was when she started using the word "God". In her fury she forgot no one here in the wizarding world used the word "God". The whole plan was about not interfering and now James had done just that. Maybe Sirius could sneak out and disappear in the crowd.

'Relax Evans, it's just... you definitely deserve a guy paying your drinks.' He grabbed the glass of tea that was standing on the bar and carefully handed it to a frowning, confused looking Evans.

'But I don't want you to buy my drinks,' she complained and took a quick glance at Prewett, who wasn't paying attention to her, at all.

'Just imagine it was him, okay? Then I won't hit him in his arrogant lazy face and you get to continue your date.' Uh oh. Now she was definitely going to curse him for insulting her "boyfriend". Sirius was one hundred percent sure. He closed his eyes, but nothing came. No screaming, no slapping sounds, just silence. And silence. And even more silence

'Well...' Evans began eventually. She seemed to hesitate. That definitely was something new.

'I really can't-'

'Oh shut it Evans,' James cut in. 'Look at yourself. You are doing every single straight guy in this pub a favour right now. The least someone can do is buying you a drink. You deserve someone who does that.' He actually did it. He had made Lily Evans speechless. Nervously the girl bit her lip and let her eyes dance between the cup of tea and Prongs slightly annoyed face. Sirius knew he wanted to bring hell upon Prewett so bad right now. It was truly a miracle he hadn't just walked over to the assface to show him some manners.

'Fine. But I can't imagine it was him who bought me a drink or complemented me, sort off.' She inhaled deeply. 'Thank you.' Wait, did she really just say thank you to hís Prongs? Did Fabian brainwash her or something?

'It's nice to know you can't forget me, Evans.' Ah there was the old Prongs again. Bugger. Now he screwed up again. The redhead dropped dead instead of walking back towards her date and then- then she smiled towards the boy. She gave Prongs a fucking smile just as he decided he had to forget her and move on. Of course she did. She was Lily Evans and even though she didn't even noticed herself, she was hanging on to James Potter. She didn't even mean to probably. She didn't even try. It was like it was supposed to be that way, even though she usually disliked him.

'I can't believe that ashole didn't get her a drink, can you?' Sirius awoke from his trans and looked up at his best mate. He suddenly wondered if Elive was a good idea after all, but assumed he better discussed that with Moony later on. He would know what to do about this newfound situation.

'No mate, I can't. Not at all. Let's get Jazzy and Elive their drinks.' James nodded, ordered and paid the drinks without saying much. Sirius wondered if he was thinking and analysing as well. He must have seen Evans sweet smile as well. It must have done something to him, since he knew Evans could give Prongs more butterflies than anyone else by simply just walking past him. They needed a secret Marauders meeting soon. And discussing Lily Evans would be on their priority list. Even though they had already done that today. It was important to Prongs, that was one thing Sirius knew for sure and that made it important to all of them. They were the Marauders after all. Best friends till the day they died."

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