2.3 ~ The Marauder Tower

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'So they finally decided to listen to you?' Harry asked laughing about the idiocy of his own father. He now understood why his godfather and former professor were friends with James Potter. He may have been a prat, but it seemed he was a good person after all. Besides, he had been a child like Harry was right now. Sirius couldn't help but feel relieved. He had been afraid Snivellus' damage would be permanent.

'Well, sort off. It was one of the good days and definitely a step in the right direction. However, your dad and Sirius would never really change. Which was a good thing, they made the world laugh when no one else could. Sometimes the Weasley twins remind me of them, of us.' Sirius nodded in agreement. Those two Weasley fellows, Fred and George, were good guys. He was glad they had found their map, which they eventually gave to the rightful owner, Harry.

'It sounds amazing, much like how it used to be in our dorm. Before people started thinking I am a liar.' Even though Harry did his very best to sound like he didn't care, Sirius knew the sad glimmer in those emerald eyes far too well. Since sixth year, James always noticed when those green eyes betrayed how Lily Evans truly felt and therefor Sirius was now an expert at reading them.

'We must always remember and treasure the good days when going through the bad. Those good days are what matters and they will always return to us, no matter what, no matter how long it seems to take, Harry. Never forget that.' Remus chuckled hearing Sirius repeat the very same words Lily once told the two gentlemen, when things seemed worse than ever. 'Speaking of good days, that evening wasn't over yet,' Sirius added before someone interrupted him again and continued the story.

"'So, now that this is all settled, do you know what we should do?' Sirius asked, glad his best friend seemed to have found his mischievous glint back in his eyes. Remus folded his hands together and looked up at the sky as if he was praying.

'Please, Merlin, Lord, let him say "sleep". Let him say "sleep". I'll do anything for you if he says that.' James snorted, which made it impossible for Remus to keep the serious look on his face, bursting into laughter less than a second later than the raven-haired boy. Sirius applauded.

'Well, you may never be able to defeat the true drama queen, moi, but you are a quick learner I must say. That was actually quite good.' He waited until their laugher faded away and their attention got back to him. 'But what I wanted to say is that we should plan a prank or something. Some mischief, you know. Making sure people don't forget we are the Marauders, greatest prankers of all time, masterminds at hilarious wizardry, stuff like that.' Remus sighed deeply. That didn't even come close to sleeping. They probably weren't going to sleep at all tonight.

'I still vote for taking Peters amazing advice: actually sleeping while lying in a bed.' Well, at least he tried stopping Sirius. It was obvious why Remus Lupin was in Gryffindor. Trying to go against an enthusiastic Sirius Black was useless, but brave nevertheless.

'Mooneeeeey. I can't live without pranking. Besides, I'm quite sure Peter would want us to wake him up. Prongs, you agree with me, right?' Sirius looked at James who grinned.

'Well, we are the Marauders. Pranking always comes in first place. Sleeping is not important. We never sleep when you need us, Moony. So you can't sleep right now, while we need you.' James said and with that, the decision was made. They were going to plan a new prank and someone had to wake up Peter. Something Sirius was actually quite good at.

'I'll get the cheese fingers.' Remus closed his eyes and shook his head, having a hard time handling his defeat. Sirius for that matter jumped of the bed, making the boys shudder while hearing another alarming creak. Smart as James was, he opened all the curtains of the bed and climbed back towards his own. They didn't need to sit in one bed with four people to plan a prank. That would be unnecessary danger, especially if they destroyed Remus bed. One didn't want to upset a werewolf if it wasn't highly necessary.

'Psssst. Peter!' Sirius waved one of the cheese fingers in front of Peters face. He could see his nose wrinkle, while the scent of the cheese fingers seduced him out of his cosy dream world into the real one. A grin spread on Sirius' face. 'Wormtail, I have some tasty cheese fingers for you, my friend.' The funny thing was that Peter never woke up from sound, scents were much more effective and cheese fingers were his favourite snack. Before Sirius knew the guy he had never heard of those weird muggle cheese sticks, but Sirius had to admit they were indeed rather tasty, although he preferred those bacon snacks Remus once bought him since "he was such a dog", as Remus always proclaimed.

'Whoa, Padfoot, what's up!' Peter suddenly squealed as he woke up and noticed Sirius' face was way too close to his.

'Well, if you don't want the cheese fingers,' he calmly answered and leaned back. Immediately Peter got up and dived towards Sirius hands, but wasn't quick enough. 'Calm down, Mate. Here you go.' Peter stretched out his hands towards him and Sirius handed over the cheese fingers. Slowly Peter got up and wrinkled his nose again before looking around with tiny mousy eyes. Remus looked extremely tired, but smiled at him nevertheless. James was as energetic as ever. It wasn't hard to figure out what the Marauders were thinking.

'You guys want to plan a prank in the middle of the night?' Sirius nodded and jumped on his own bed again instead of Remus'.

'It's not like we haven't done that before. I really don't get why you and Remus are so against it,' James complained and again Sirius nodded.

'Well, maybe because we are tired and there is no reason to be in a hurry. Can't we do it tomorrow?' The sandy haired boy groaned and turned around to hide his face in his pillow. Peter bit his lip watching his three friends before shrugging his shoulders.

'Well, I am awake now. And I have cheese fingers...' He clearly wasn't as brave as Remus and didn't want to upset James or Sirius. Besides, Peter had slept for quite some time now. 'But what about Quidditch practice, Prongs?' Ah, there it was. The catch. Sirius had to admit he didn't expect it, but Peter was the sneaky one of the four guys. Not in a brilliant way, but he was better at finding short cuts, ways to evade things. That kind of stuff.

'I'll just think of that ashole Prewett. I'm quite sure the anger will give me enough adrenalin to fight an whole army.' Remus snorted inside his pillow, making a very weird and funny noise.

'You are unbelievable, Prongs. He already made up for it.'

'Not to me!' James immediately said, looking quite offended. For a few seconds everyone stared at him in silence, before bursting out in laughter. 'He is still a prat, okay. Lily deserves perfection if you ask me,' he eventually concluded.

'And you're perfection?' Sirius asked sceptically. 'Or do you want me to date her?' James' pillow hit him straight in the face, making him collapse on his bed with a loud "ugh".

'Yes, I am perfection thank you very much. Okay, no, but I would have bought her a drink. I actually bought her one! That proves I am at least a bit more perfect than Fabian Prewett. Besides, I know the difference between a Blugder and a Quaffle and my walking looks amazing.' Sirius made an effort to throw the pillow back to James, but it failed because of the incessant giggles his body produced.

'Of course, Prongs,' he finally managed to say.

'Guys, can we decide who to prank now? I would like to sleep at least one hour.' Remus seemed to be a bit more awake again and therefor interrupted them firmly. 'The Marauder meeting has been opened. Number one of our list: who to prank?'" 

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