How You Met? -Mark

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Hey guys! This is my new book "Markiplier & Jacksepticeye Imagine <3" this is my first time doing imagines so sorry if its crappy. Well there is a first time for everything right? So here you go! Hope you guys like it and I will be setting it out like that a Mark imagine is first then a Jack imagine them rotating them between the two so like Mark then Jack then back too Mark then Jack again okay? So enjoy the first imagine of the book!

- Paige 

You was wondering the streets of LA when you felt the need for some coffee, you saw a Starbucks down the street and walked to it. Being greeted to the smell of coffee you went to stand in the queue, after a few minutes of waiting it was your turn to take an order.

"What can I could get you miss?" The worker said behind the till said smiling nicely at you.

"I'll just have a Mocha please" you said politely smiling back.

"That will be £2.50 please" (I don't know the prices of Starbucks cause I have never been so just bare with me please) the worker said handing her hand out.

You nodded grabbing your purse and gets out £2.50 and hands it to her and sees her putting it into the till and walks off to make your coffee.

You wanted for a few minutes until you saw her coming back the the coffee in her hand with whipped cream on top. She handed you your coffee and you walked off to a table after thanking her, you sat down and put your coffee on the table to let it cool down a little and bought your phone out of your bag and checked all your social media while taking some sips of the devious coffee making you moan with pleasure of the hot liquid running down your throat.


You looked up to be met with brown eyes staring down at you. "Hey?" You said unsure of what to do.

"I saw you sitting alone at the table and I thought that you needed some company so I came to say hello".

You took in all of his features with long black hair, the most beautiful brown eyes hiding behind his glasses, his SMILE with pearly white teeth. Okay you have to admit he does look cute and I bit buff with that shirt on so you thought why not get to know him for awhile?.

" well that's very thoughtful of you" you said smiling while looking your phone and putting it down on the table to pay full attention to him

"I know I'm a very thoughtful man" he said smiling making you giggle. "I'm Mark its nice to meet you...", "(Y/n)" you said telling him your name. "That's a pretty name (y/n)" Mark said smiling at you

You blushed and looked down at your very interesting cup of coffee making him chuckle at you making you blush even more.

You and mark talked for hours on end getting to know one another, that you know he has a YouTube channel called Markiplier, which you thought was a cute and creative name for a YouTube channel. You two walked out of Starbucks reading to get going on your separate ways.

"Hey (y/n) can I erm... Maybe have your phone number, I want to hang out with you sometime since you look like alot of fun" he asked scratching the back of his neck shyly. You chuckled and pulled your phone out of your pocket and handed it too him to put his number in, he did the with you handing you his phone to put your number in. After swapping numbers you two hugged and said goodbye and waved walking different ways.

Later that night you couldn't stop thinking about him, he was like some disease that you couldn't cure, you got a text from him breaking you from your thoughts.

A/n: y = you m = mark

M- hey (y/n), how you doing?
Y- hey mark! Not much, how bout you?
M- same really, I had fun getting to know you today :) we should hang out more!
Y- same and yeah that would be nice :)
M- well I have too go but I'll message you soon okay? Don't forget me that quickly okay?
Y- I'm pretty sure that I won't ever forget you haha, talk to you later! Bye
M- bye!

After the conversation with mark you decided to get ready for bed since its nearly 10:30pm. You changed into your nightwear, brushed your teeth, toilet business, brushed your hair since its easier to brush in the morning and climbed into bed and sleep straight to sleep dreaming about the brown eyed man.

Markiplier & Jacksepticeye Imagines &lt;3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora