A 'Little' Surprise -Mark

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It was the day of yours and marks two year wedding anniversary and mark had something planned today. He told you to go out for a bit with Molly and Mandy cause he had a surprise for you.

Mark P.O.V

"Thank you guys for helping me out again" I said to Wade and Bob.

"Don't mention it Mark, you know we would be there for you." Bob said smiling, Wade nodding in agreement.

I smiled at them looking at the decorated living room with food and drinks on the coffee table, music in the radio ready to be played, balloons all over the ceiling so you can't see any of the ceiling left.

"Two year" I mumbled smiling, I'm so lucky to be married to the love of my life. It felt like it was only yesterday that I met her in Starbucks.

Chuckling at the memory I got anything else ready before (y/n), Molly and Mandy got back and me, Bob and Wade hid in the living room.

No ones P.O.V

You, Mandy and Molly went shopping today which gave you an advanced to get Mark something for your two year anniversary today of being married.

" you ready to go back now (y/n)?" Mandy said looking at her phone.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted" you said.

"Same" Molly said smiling.

"Okay well let's go!" Mandy said speed walking to the door of the mall with you and Molly trying to catch up to her.

You all get in Molly's car and drove off back to your house

Once you get there the lights in the windows were out which was strange since its only 2:00pm but you shrugged thinking mark was recording a video. You get your shopping bags out of the car and walked up the path followed by Mandy and Molly.

You unlock the door a opens it. "SURPRISE (Y/N)!!" Mark, Bob and Wade shouted including the girls behind you making you shocked.

Mark walks up to you pulling you in a hug and kisses you on the lips. "Happy anniversary (y/n)" he said smiling down at you looking in your eyes full of love. "Happy anniversary to you too Mark" you looking up at him with  just as much live in your eyes.

"Let's get this party started" Wade said putting on the music and starts dancing making everyone laugh.

"Shall we?" Mark said.

"Yes we shall" you giggled.

You and mark joined in with everyone else dancing, eating, drinking and random games cause who doesn't like games?.


"Bye guys I had a blast" you said to Wade, Bob, Mandy and Molly.

"It's fine I'm glad we could come, maybe we can go shopping one day again" Molly said, Mandy nodding in agreement. You gave each other hugs and said goodbye to them again as they walked out of the door.

"We'll see you two later yeah? Maybe for a day out at the beach or theme park or something? Sounds good?" Bob said.

"Sounds great Bob can't wait" Mark said putting an arm around your waist pulling you closer to him making you blush. "Yeah can't wait, bye guys" you said waving to them as they walk out the door shutting it behind them.

"I'll be back in a minute mark okay stay in living room" you said as you quickly grab the shopping back with mark's gift in it and dashed upstairs to your shared room locked the door and putting the gift on the floor.

You find the wrapping paper, scissors and tape but you was never to good at wrapping presents up so it might not look ordinary.

After struggling for what seems like hours but it was only 5 minutes of wrapping the gift you unlocked the door and ran downstairs seeing Mark sitting on the sofa watching TV. You put his gift behind your back and walked up to him from behind and kissed him on the cheek and wrapped your arms around his neck showing him his gift.

"Happy anniversary babe" you whispered in his ear.

"Oh (y/n), you didn't have too. Mark said grabbing the gift and opens it like a 5 year old on Christmas day with the wrapping paper going everywhere making you giggle.

"an iPad?" Mark questioned looking at the iPad box.

"Yes an IPad" you giggled. "Do you like it?".

" I love it but (y/n), this must have cost loads" Mark said looking at you.

You shrugged since you had a good job that pays fair.

"Well I had to get the best gift for my handsome hubby" you giggled making him chuckle.

"Yes but why an IPad?" Mark questioned again confused.

"Well since you dropped your other IPad in the bath doing a challenge and you said you would buy a new one but never got round to it so I thought that I would buy you new one saving you the trouble of getting one." You said smiling at him now sitting next to him.

"Awe babe thank you, I'm so lucky to have you" mark said hugging you and kissing the top of your head.

You giggled at him. "It's no problem".

Mark get up and goes down into the seller(basement). (if you don't have a seller then just present you do okay?) You sat there confused but shrugged it off.

Mark comes back up with a big box in his arms. " here you go babe. Hope you like it" Mark said setting it gently on the floor in front of you.

You looked at him confused then looked at the box. Bending over you take off the lid to see a little ball of fur yapping and wagging its tail.

You gasped setting the lid down and picking up the pup which is a Jack Russell puppy(the one in the picture above) for it to lick your face making you giggle.

"Oh my god mark you got me a puppy" you said shocked. He blushed and nodded. You jumped up off the sofa hugging him and kissed him on the lips. The pup licking your's and Mark's chin making you pull away and looking at it.

"I know that you've always wanted a dog but never got around of looking for one so I got this little chap" Mark said rubbing the pups head.

"Awe thank you so much mark I love it" you said again kissing him, making the pup yap happily at the two of you.

You pulled away chuckling at the pup. You check to see if its a boy or a girl and its a boy. "Does he have a name?" You said.

"Nope i'm letting you name him after all, he is your dog" Mark said.

You think hard for a unique name for him and the perfect one came to your mind.

"How about Vegas?" You suggested.

"Vegas?" Mark chuckled.

"Yeah as in Las Vegas, I've always wanted to go there and Jack Russell's are lively and energetic little things so it goes together very well" you said.

The pup yapping wagging its tail. "Well Vegas seem to like it so I guess we'll go with Vegas" Mark said chuckling at Vegas.

"Yay! Welcome to your new home Vegas" you said excitedly putting him down and for him to yap and wag his tail running around sniffing everything he sees.

"The best present ever Mark, thank you again" you said kissing him.

"Your the best present that has ever happened to me (y/n)" mark said against your lips making you blush and giggle.

"I love you"

"I love you too" 

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