A Big Surprise -Mark

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You was at work in your office typing away on the computer filling out forms and other paper works on the computer.

But you had other things on your mind like a certain man by the name of Mark Fischbach. Your boyfriend to be exact. 

He was in the army helping America to defeat the ISIS (just go along with it okay?). He has been gone for over a year (again just go long with it for the story) and you miss him deary, afraid that he might not come back. He has been on your mind ever since and it has been effecting your work terribly.

But, it isn't all bad because he should be back in 2 weeks and you just couldn't wait to be in his arms, to cuddle with him, to kiss him, to tell all your days of work and to just have him back here safely.

" miss (L/N) come to the boss's office please, miss (L/N) come to the boss's office please" the receptionist said through the speaker calling for you. You signed getting up and making your way to the boss's office wondering what she wants. You didn't do anything bad well, apart from missing Mark to much but that doesn't matter at this point. You got in the elevator and pressed the very top button for your boss's office.

After what seems like forever you finally get there and stepped out and walked down a corridor and knock on your boss's door that reads "Mrs Burnside's Office". Hearing a come in you opened the door and came in the room shutting the door behind you.

" you wanted to see me Mrs Burnside?" You said nervously biting your lip.

"Ah (y/n) yes, please take a seat" Mrs Burnside said nodding towards the chair in front of her desk.

You sat down and waited for what seems like forever of probably getting in trouble or to be shouted at, she didn't have a good look on her face which made the situation 10 times worse.

"So I've been looking through your records and it looks like you haven't been keeping up with the schedule miss (y/n)" she said stacking a pile of papers to one side.

"Yes well you see erm... It's really hard for me to focus because of erm... Having my boyfriend in the army and thinking that he is never gonna come back miss" you said rambling on trying to fight back the tears that are threatening to spill out of your eyes thinking of Mark never coming back.

Mrs Burnside sighs and looking at the papers on the desk. "Yes I know that can be very hard but you can't worry about that right now. We have papers to fill, work to be done. It's not gonna make him come back faster if you keep worrying about him". You could feel the anger building up inside of you hearing that but stayed calm. Maybe she does have a point there. " I know I just can't help it miss" you said looking down, your hands becoming very interesting at the moment.

"I get it (y/n) but try to focus on work more please? For the sake of the business" Mrs Burnside said.

You nodded. "Okay you are dismissed for now" Mrs Burnside said. You get up and made your way to the door opening it and closing it once your through.

Once back at your little office you started to get back to work unaware of a man standing at your doorframe. Once you have done most of the papers on the computer you decided to put your head down for a little bit of a break.

"I didn't know that my girl rests on the job" an all to familiar voice said making you look up to see your boyfriend of what you haven't seen for over a year. "MARK!!" You shot up making your chair fall to the ground and ran into your boyfriend's arms missing their touch.

"Hey babe" Mark said striking your hair, hugging you back tightly and kisses your forehead missing your touch what he hasn't been able to do over a year. A few tears came down your cheeks and you two just stood there for a few minutes in complete silent.

"I thought you was supposed to be coming back next week?" You said sniffing while looking up at him. He wipes your tears away and smiled. "They let us all go back home early since we have finished the war and won".

You smiled and went on your tip toes to kiss him. He kissed back with the feeling of need and desperate but also passion in it. Not having to kiss each other drive you two mad, your lips move together perfectly. Pulling away gasping for air you looked deep into his eyes behind his glasses seeing how bright they are, making you want to just look into them all day which you wouldn't complain about.

Everyone started to clap and cheer and you boss came by. " I knew you missed him so that's why I brought you up to my office so that he could  sneak in here and hide till you got back in your office" Mrs Burnside said.

"Thank you miss, really" you said then hugged her making her Jump but then slowly hugged you back smiling and, patting you on the back. "It's okay (y/n) now you have the rest of the day off so you and mark can catch up on things and you don't have to come in on the weekends neither but... I want you back first thing on Monday morning you got me?" Mrs Burnside said sternly at the end.

"Yes, yes thank you again miss" you said happily.

"Good" Mrs Burnside said smiling and says bye to you and Mark before going back up to her office.

"Shall we get going then? I have plans" Mark whispers in your ear.

You nodded and got your things ready and left the building with Mark by your side again after over a year of not being with him, sure you Skype each other everyday but it didn't feel the same without actually being able to hold him and to just touch him again and this time its gonna be for forever.

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