How You Met? -Jack

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You was sat on a bent in a park, knees to your chest, arms wrapped around them and your head in between them crying your eyes out. Your boyfriend well ex boyfriend has just broken up with you so he can go with a slag who will just use him and leave him with just a click of the fingers. You was just in pieces, your heart shattered you couldn't control the tears flowing down your cheeks.

After what seemed like hours but really it was just 10 minutes you felt a tap on your shoulder. You sniffed and looked up to see a boy maybe around your age looking worriedly down at you. "Hey you okay?" He said in a deep Irish accent. You nodded wiping your red puffy eyes with our sleeve. He frowned and sat beside you and gives you a side hug.

"No your not, come on you can tell me what's wrong" he said with concern in his voice. You looked at him, sniffing you said "m-my ex just b-broke up w-with me f-for some slag".

He frowned more and hugged you harder "he sounds like a douche" he said making you chuckles a little bit which makes him smile seeing that he was helping you feel better.

"Y-yeah I guess" you said wiping your eyes again and sitting up straight trying to compose yourself. "What's your name?" You asked him. "It's Sean but most people call me jack" jack said in a thick Irish accent which you thought was adorable.

"Why jack?" You questioned, "its a long story" jack said making you wanting to know more. "Please tell" you said facing him and sitting crossed legged to him making you chuckles and for him to tell of how his mother used to call him jack when he was younger same with his friends.

You didn't noticed his eyes until now, they are the most beautiful shade of blue you have ever seen and you have seen some beautiful eyes in your past time and you just got lost in them.

"Hello? Hello?" Jack said clicking his fingers in front of your eyes snapping you from your daydream making you blush.

"Sorry what did you say?" You asked confused. "I asked you your name?" He chuckles, blushing you told him your name was (y/n), "that's a cute name for a cute girl like you" he complemented making you blush harder. You guys talked for abit longer until he said that he had to go and visit his friend and that he will see you later after him giving you his number to hang out some day.

You got home and decided to text him and see how he is doing. After that you just say on the couch to your flat and watched some TV flicking through the channels and finally setting on watching Spongebob cause hey, why not? Everyone needs Spongebob in their life once in a while right?.


You and jack have been hanging out for a couple of weeks and you too have been really close and he introduce you to his best mate mark and they both told you that they had their own YouTube channel which you thought was really cool since you love youtubers.

You , jack and mark was at the airport since jack has to go back to Irish and since he has stayed in LA for a few weeks to visit and stay with mark since they haven't seen each other in a long time.

Jack was standing at the gate getting ready to leave and saying goodbye to mark. After they have hugged he came to you and hugged you tightly which you gladly return.

"Take care of mark for me will you (y/n)?" He asked, making you giggle and nods.

"Hey I can take care of myself thank you very much!" mark shouted crossing his arms and pouts. You and jack chuckles at him and pulled away.

"Can passengers please make they're way to gate 9 please to get ready for boarding the plane thank you" a lady said into a speaker. "Well this is me guys I'll miss you both and hopefully seen you two again soon" jack said hugging you and mark and then grabs his suitcase.

You started to tear up, Even though it's only been a few weeks it felt like years knowing jack and being friends with him. Mark put a hand on your shoulder and you both waves to jack as he makes his way to the gate waving back at you two. Once he was out of sight you let the tears stream down your face.

"Come on (y/n) let's get you some ice cream and take you back home" mark suggested to you. You nodded and started walking to the exit of the airport. In mark's car you was thinking about jack, his thick Irish accent which was adorable, his beautiful eyes that you could just stare into all day, his dashing smile, the way he pronouns car and whale and a few other words that you couldn't think on top of your head, the way he walked, his laugh, his personality, just... everything about him makes you think about him even more.

Once you and mark got some ice cream yours chocolate flavoured his cookie dough flavoured, he dropped you off at your house and after saying goodbye and that you'll hang out again he drive off after you went in your flat.

Now your just in bed thinking about jack again, you just couldn't keep him out of your mind, your like obsessed over him but you don't even know if he likes you or not, its pretty obvious that you like him cause of you always thinking about him, from every feature on his face, the clothes that he wears and how good they looked on him. You shook your head sounding like a typical crazy fan or stalker.

You texted him saying good night and him texting you back goodnight too you turned onto your side and closed your eyes feeling yourself going to sleep and dreaming about the person you are always thinking about.

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