First Kiss/Date -Mark

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You was just sitting at your computers playing some games and no, your not a youtuber, your just playing some games cause your bored and you have nothing to do. You was playing an old computer game called Pacman when you got a text from Mark.

Hey (y/n)! Do you want to come the cinema to watch a movie or something? -M.

Well since you had nothing to you thought that you might as well do something to keep you busy so you texted him back saying sure and telling him your address which he replied that he will be there in a of hours since the movie doesn't start till late.

You turned your computer off and springs up off of your spiny chair and walked to the bathroom and closed the door. You got undressed and stepped into the warm running shower and washed your body and hair and shaving your arm pits and legs you stepped out and grab a towel hanging on your radiator and wrapped it around your body and doing the same with your hair, you walked out of the bathroom to your wardrobe and grabbed a tank top that doesn't show above your belly button and then grabbing some shorts since its in the middle of the summer in LA.

After grabbing some matching underwear and bra you dried your body with the towel you wrapped around it earlier and put your bra and underwear on, you put your tank top on and shorts and got your hair drier out of the wardrobe and plugged it in and turned it on hot. Unwrapping the towel from your wet hair that fell in your face, you got the hair drier and put it on and started to dry your hair.

Once your hair is all dried you out it up into a high ponytail. You decided to put I little bit of make up on cause why not? You put eye liner on with mascara and a bit of concealer, you checked your phone seeing a text from Mark saying that he was just leaving his house.

You went downstairs and turned on the TV onto some random channel and sat there for a little while. You heard a knock on the door and got up to go and answer it.

"Hey (y/n) you look nice today" mark said checking you out which made you blush and you let him in your house. Shutting the door behind him he looked around the place you called "home". " nice place you got here" Mark said looking around. You nodded and went to go and get your red converse and put them on then grabbing your phone from the counter you walked in the living room seeing Mark sitting on the sofa.

"Comfy there" you chuckles at him. He looked at you and smiled and gets up and goes towards your front door and opens it and walks out and goes to his car and unlocks it.

You Locke the door and made you way down the path to his car and be opened the car door for you.

"Such a gentleman" you giggles getting in the car, he smiled at you and closes the door and ran to his said and got in himself and put his seatbelt on and you did the same. He put his car keys in the engine and started it up and made his way to the cinema.

"So what are we watching?" You asked.

"Whatever's on really, but not horror I don't feel like watching a horror today" he answered keeping an eye on the road ahead of him.

You nodded and looked out of the window seeing the houses go by.

"So is this like a date then?" You blurred out not know what your saying.

"Do you want it to be one?" Mark smirked flickering his eyes to you then back at the road.

"I... err... maybe" you mumbled blushing. He smiled and chuckles. "A date it is then" he was happy, very happy.

You two made it to the cinema and before you opened the car door a certain boy scrabbled out of the car and ran to your side and opened it for go. "Since this is a date I'm gonna do it properly" she said handing out his hand for you to take which you did and got out of the car and thanked him.

You two walked in the cinema smelling the popcorn in the air and goes up to the counter.

"Hello what would you like to see?" The counter lady asked politely looking at you and mark. You looked at the movies that are available and started one and mark agreed as way.

"Can we have tickets to see The Duff please?" You asked the lady. "That would be £15.00 for two please" the till lady said.

You went to grab your purse but a hand stopped you. You looked up at mark with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm paying, its a date remember?" He said. You went to object but it was too late since he has already paid for the both of you. You huffed and crossed your arms making him chuckle and he got the tickets and went to show the man next to a stand at the entrance. Mark gave him the tickets and the man looked at them and ripped them about half way and have them back to Mark. "Screen 5 to your left" he said and mark nodded and walked to where it was with you following him.

You walked in the room and sat at the back so hardly no one can see you.


After the movie ended you was hungry so you decided to go McDonalds since it was only across the road.

Walking in to the delicious smell you went to line up while mark sat at a table before anyone else could since it was quite busy today with it being summer and all.

You ordered yours and marks food with the money mark cave you to pay for. Guess he is taking this date seriously you thought which was cute cause he was being a gentleman.

You walked back to the table with your and marks food and placed it down on the table and sat on the other side in front of him.

"So are you liking this date so far?" He said taking a note out of his burger. "Yes its great" you said putting a chicken nugget in your mouth and hummed as the delicious flavour filled your mouth.

After you both have eaten and now are full you too decided it was time to go home. Mark parked outside your house and got out and went to your side and open the car door for you. He walked up the path and stood outside of your door with him.

"This was nice" you said looking at him smiling, you had a great time and would love to do it again.

"Yeah we should do it again sometime maybe" mark suggested. You nodded and it came very awkward just you two standing there.

Mark grabbed your chin and lifted you head up to meet his gazing eyes staring down at you then your lips and then back up to your eyes and he slowly starts to lean in.

You leaned in too closing your eyes. The sunset behind mark was glowing bright orange, red and yellow, making it look like mark was glowing like a god that came down from the sky.

Your lips met in the middle with his and it was like a match made in heaven, your lips was moving in sycn together as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him never want to let go.

After a minute you guys pulled away gasping for air but still on each others arms. "You're so beautiful" Mark whispers into your ear making you blush and hide your burning face into his chest making him chuckle.

You pulled out of his arms and grabbed your house keys and put it in the key hole and turned it and opened the door and looked back at mark seeing he was half way down the path and you ran to him turning him around quickly and pecking him on the lips and quickly ran back to the door leaving him stunned about what happened a few seconds ago.

"Bye mark!" You shouted giggling at him and for him to wave back still stunned a little bit. You giggled again shutting the door behind you and smiling.

What an amazing first date.

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