Your Breakup Song -Mark

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't been uploading. School and exams are just in my way at the moment along with the revising to. But I did this one to say how sorry I am for not uploading. It's not a long imagine but it's better than nothing right? I'm working on another imagine at the moment so that will be published soon. And I'll see all you dudes, in the next imagine bye-bye -Paige

P.S listen to this song while your reading the imagine.

Song: Hole in My Heart - Luke Friend

You and Mark got into a massive argument over the fact that if Mark has cheated or not.

Mark P.O.V

"I did not cheat on you (y/n)!" I shouted dodging a vase that was thrown at me. Yes, this argument has gotten to the point that things are being thrown.

(Y/n) was a mess. Tears running down her cheeks. Rage showing in her eyes. Mascara running down her cheeks too. Hair in a mess. Fists clenched.

This is getting ridiculous.

"Yes you did Mark, don't deny it. I saw you with her!" (Y/n) shouting in rage mixed with sadness in her voice.

"She was an old school mate of mine (y/n). We haven't seen each other in years after the day that I moved from Cincinnati to LA" I told her my voice becoming more calmer with every word that I said.

"Cut the crap Mark that isn't true, your just saying that so you would look innocent." (Y/n) said crossing her arms, glaring at me.

"So you don't trust me?" I said.

(Y/n) looked down and everywhere else, apart from me. "Yes I do, just not with other girls" she said more softly.

"Babe, if you went to hang out with other guys I wouldn't care. Do you know why?" I said.

She shake her head.

"Because I trust you. I trust you with all my heart that you won't do anything to other guys like that. I put my faith in you when you go out, yes I get worried about what you're doing when I'm not there but I still trust you not to do anything like that." I said from my heart hopefully to get her to drop this nonsense.

(Y/n) started to cry. Making me feel bad. Wait why do I feel bad? She accused me of something that I haven't even done or never would have done.

"I-i'm sorry M-mark i can't do this. I have to l-leave" she cried running upstairs into our shared bedroom.

"Wait why?!" I shouted running up after her and walking into our room seeing that she is packing her bags along with a suitcase.

"I can't stay here, I'm sorry but I have to g-go." She said throwing her clothes intk the suitcase.

"Why do you have to go?" I asked getting nervous.

She didn't say anything and finished getting her clothes in the suitcase, sipping it up and putting her things into her bags and walks past me going downstairs and walking towards the door. Opening it.

I ran downstairs and before she could walk out of the house, I grabbed her arm and spun her around so she is facing me. "Why are you leaving? Tell me" I said worried about her answer.

"I-i know that she's you're friend and that you wouldn't cheat on me but... The reason I accused you for cheating is because..." She said.

"I cheated on you Mark, and I'm very sorry"

What? N-no she couldn't, she wouldn't. But why? Why would she do that?

"W-why?" I asked, my voice shaky and my eyes well up with tears not wanting to believe a single damn word that she is saying.

She took a deep breath. "B-because it felt like we wasn't going out at all, you spent too much time in the recording room that I felt like that I didn't even exist in your life anymore. So I went out to the club to forget all of that and to just enjoy myself and this guy came up to me and... I was drunk and I didn't have control over my body so, I'm sorry Mark but I have to go. I don't think we can see each other anymore after this. Goodbye Mark, and enjoy your life." She said walking out of the door gripping onto her suitcase tightly and went into her car and got in and drove off. Out of my life.

I was frozen in place after hearing that little speech from her. A single tear escape from my eye sliding down my cheeks.

It's like everything has just gone in a flash.

Is this what pain feel like? Like a gunshot in the heart?

A Hole in My Heart.

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