Hair dyed -Jack

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You've always wanted to get your hair dyed and now since jack dyed his hair green you felt left out so you was on your way to the hairdressers right now in the streets, wind blowing through your (Y/L/H)(Your Length Hair) (C/H)(Colour Hair) hair, the sun playing peek a boo with the clouds.

You enter the Hairdressers and walk to the counter.

"Hello how may I help you?" The lady at the counter with black hair and Hot Pink dyed tips at the end said smiling.

"Hey I would like to get my hair dyed please" you said

"Okay right this way please ma'am" the lady said leading you to a spare chair and puts a black sheer(I don't know what they are called so bare with me please sorry) around your neck and strapped it at the back.

"My name is Abbie and I will be your hairdresser today" Abbie said smiling.

You told her that you wanted to Dye it light green at the top then going darker further down until its dark blue at the bottom tips of your hair (your hair will look like the one in the pic above).

"Okay that would look great on you" Abbie said getting the things ready for your hair.

She parted you hair so it will be easier to do, she got the bleach and a stripe of tinfoil and put it underneath your hair and applied the bleach to your hair.

She kept repeating this while you two was chatting about different thing, animals, jobs, boyfriend's, jack.

"Yeah I love him, he means everything too me" you said dreaming about jack.

"Sounds like he is the world to you" Abbie said nearly done bleaching your hair.

"Okay I have done bleaching your hair so we are gonna leave it for 30 minutes and put the colours in okay?" Abbie said taking her gloves off.

You nodded and sat on your phone looking through twitter and Facebook.

"So let's have a look a jack then" Abbie said. You shown her a picture of him with his green hair.

"He's a cutie isn't he" Abbie said nudging your side.

You giggle and nods. "And I'm lucky to have him in my life." You said smiling widely.

"I bet you are, okay it has been 30 minutes so now I'm gonna add the colour in so you want it really light greeny-blue on top then darker going down you hair so then you have dark blue at the top?" Abbie said making sure.

"Yes that's it" you said nodding getting excited that it's actually gonna happen, and you can't wait to see the look on jacks face when he sees it.

"Okay" Abbie said getting too work.


"And done you can open your eyes now" Abbie said making you shut your eyes from the start so it will be a big surprise.

You opened your eyes and gasped looking at your reflection in the mirror feeling your hair. "Oh my god thank you I love it" you said standing up and hugged Abbie who laughed and patted you on the back. "It's okay it looks great on you plus we haven't washed your hair yet to get the final  result" she complimented.

You nodded and followed her to a seat to sit in and gestured you to sit. You sat and put your head in the sink and shut your eyes relaxing while she does your hair. The massaging seat working on your back making you more relaxing and making you start to fall asleep.

Abbie massages the shampoo into your scalp and hair then once it's all covered she rises all the shampoo out and then put in the conditioner and starts to do the same as she did with the shampoo. Once she has rise the conditioner out of your hair she sat you up and kept the towel on your shoulders while leading you back to the chair and sat you down on it.

She blew dried your hair until your hair is all done while you was on your phone texting Jack saying that you have a surprise when you come home and that he is excited to see it and he'll love it either way.

"Do you want it curled?" Abbie suggested.

"Sure" you said. Abbie gets the curlers and plugs them in and turns them on. Once they have heated up she starts to curl your hair into perfect curls each time.

"Done" she said setting the curlers to the side and turning them off.

"Thanks again Abbie I really appreciate it, it looks good" you said hugging her again.

"It's okay really" Abbie laughed hugging you back, patting you on the back.

You paid and waved to Abbie and walked out of the shop and walked back home.

"Jack I'm home!" You shouted walking through the door, closing it behind you and takes your shoes off and putting them too the side. You heard feet patting down the stairs.

"Close your eyes" you said walking to the stairs.

Jack closes his eyes and waits. You grabbed he's hands and slowly leads him to the sofa and sits him down.

"Okay you can open your eyes now* you said looking down at him.

Jack opens his eyes and gasped, standing up and looking at your hair, touching it, running his hands through it. "Oh my god babe you look so beautiful" jack said smiling like crazy. "It's so nice and it suits you really well" he complimented.

"Thank you jack, 'm really glad you love it" you said blushing at him.

"Why did you Dye your hair for anyway?" Jack said confused.

"Because you hand yours done and I felt lefted out and odd with my boring hair when I'm stood next too you" you said blushing from embarrassment.

Jack chuckled." You font have to get your hair dyed just cause I had mine done and that you felt odd because of it" jack said hugging you. You shrugged and hugged back.

"I actually love it anyway, I love the colours and how they all blend in together well" you said pulling away from the hug and looking up at him.

"Yeah I love it too, you should get you hair dyed more offend" Jack said.

"Yeah I should shouldn't I?" You said.

Jack nods and leans down and kisses you. You kiss back. You both pulled away and looked into each others eyes.

"I love you" jack said.

"I love you too" you said back.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had writing blockers for this imagine and it took me a while too write but here it is now so enjoy!  - Paige

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