Chapter 6

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You woke to the felt of your body pressed up against someone else body so you opened your eyes to see Aidan's arm wrapped around you tightly and to only feel him kiss your shoulder so you turned around to see yourself looking into beautiful puppy brown eyes so you smiled then he said


As he said that you rested your head on his chest then said


When you did you felt him hug you tighter so you smiled then you felt him make shapes on your back so you closed your eyes to take in his touch and you guys just stayed like that for the rest of the morning.

A few hours later
"Shit we have work in a 45 minutes, so come on let's go"

As he said that he got out of bed and put on his pants and when he did he looked behind him to see you still in bed so he smiled then said

"Come on Y/N let's go"

As he said you groaned then it your face in the pillow and said

"No I don't want to"

When you said that you head him let a out a laugh then you heard him say

"But we have to, we need to finish the first episode"

"But can't we just call in sick and stay in bed for the whole day just cuddling and being with each other"

"Haha I would love that but we can't so come on time to get up"

As he said that you shook your head and when you did you head him let a out a laugh and when he did you felt him get back on the bed and make his way up to you, when he got up to you, you heard him say

"Come on time to get up"

As he said that you shook your head again and when you did you felt his hand go on your waist and tickle you and when they did you couldn't help but laugh so you did and you also tried to get out of his grip but he was to strong so you pulled the covers off to only see him smiling while laughing so you let out a small laugh and when you did you felt his lips land on your lips so you wrapped your arms around his necks and kissed him back and when you did you felt his hand move down your body and onto your legs so you let out a moan and when you did he smiled into kiss then pushed his body onto yours and when he did you made the kiss go deeper but before it could go any further he pulled apart and said

"Y/N how do you feel about me"

"Well what do you mean how do I feel about me"

As you said that he looked you in the eyes and said

"I love you Y/N I really do I know I have only known you for a couple of days but I really do like you not for your looks not for your body but for you, that time when you kissed me for the scene and when I pulled you closer me to and made the kiss go deeper I really did meant it, i wasn't just doing it because the script said it well I was but"

Before he could say anything else you crashed your lips with his and said

"I know"

With that he smiled then said

"No but really how do you feel about me like do you ever see us together like a couple"

As he said that you felt your cheek burn up and nodded your head and when you did he smiled then said

"What would you say if I asked you be to my girlfriend"

As he said that you looked at him with a smile then said

"I would say yes"

When you said that he crashed his lips with yours so you kissed him back and when you did he pulled apart and said

"Then will you like to be my girlfriend"

As he said that You smiled then said

"I would love to"

When you said that his lips found your neck so you moaned then said


As you said you heard him say


With that you pushed him away and said

"We have work remember"

With that he got off you and when he did he picked you up to only hear you say

"Aidan what are you doing"

With that he walked in the bathroom turned on the water made a bath for you and said

"You have a bath and I'll make you a coffee"

With that you kissed him and said


With that he put you down then walked out and closed the door so you got in the bath tub and just enjoyed having the nice warm soapy water hit your skin.

Aidan's pov
I walked down stairs to only feel a smile growing on my face so I allowed to grow on my face because I now know that the love of my life loves me back so I walked in the kitchen got two cups out and walked to the kettle to only hear my phone go off so I walked in the lounge room to see that it was Toby

Toby: hey today you guys get to have the day off but tomorrow you have to come to work"

Me: ok see you tomorrow then

With that I smiled then put the phone down walked up stairs, walked in to the bathroom got undressed and joined Y/N in the bath tub.

Your pov
You felt someone pulled you closer to them so you opened your eyes to see Aidan sitting on the other side of the bath tub and when you saw him you moved closer to him rest your head on his chest and when you did you heard him say

"We have the day off"

As he said that you lifted your head and said


"Yea Toby just texted me saying that so I was thinking maybe we should go on an actual date"

As he said gnat you smiled then kissed him and said

"I would love that"

With that he smiled so you rested your head on his chest again and when you did you felt him makes shapes on your back so you closed your eyes to take in his touch then he kissed your head and you guys just stayed like that until the bath got cold.

Sorry for the long chapter and sorry if it's bad but please don't forget to vote and comment what you think and thanks for the votes and comment on my either story it means a lot guys thanks and I hope you enjoy reading this chapter 😘😘✌🏻️

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