Chapter 33

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You sat on the lounge watching the lord of the rings when all of a sudden you heard a car rock up in your driveway so you paused the movie walked over to the door opened it to see Lenora stepping out of the car so you smiled put a jacket because it's cold out then walked up to pulled her in a hug to only hear her say

"How are you feeling"

As she said that you pulled apart and said

"To be honest I'm fine, I don't know why Aidan made me take the day off"

As you said that Lenora looked at you and said

"You threw up twice for no reason at all you need the day off"

As she said that you walked over to the fridge pulled out some ice cream and two bowls to only be stopped by Lenora saying

"What are you doing"

As she said that you looked at her and said

"Ok I want some ice cream and plus I'm watching lord of the rings and you can't watch lord of the rings without having ice cream"

With that she smiled a small smile then nodded and sat down with you and just watched the lord of the rings with you.

As you where watching the movie you heard Lenora say

"Maybe your pregnant"

As she said that you sat back and said

"Aidan wants a family"

As you said that she smiled then said

"Do you"

"Yes and wait what did you say"

"Then have a family with him and I said maybe your pregnant"

As she said that you looked down at your stomach then said

"Maybe I don't know"

As you said that Lenora paused the movie crossed her legs and looked at you and said

"No listen maybe you are, ok so you threw up this morning for no reason at all and you are hungry like who on earth has ice cream at this time of the morning"

As she said that you smiled then said

"I do"

With that she let out a small laugh and said

"Well you are dating Aidan and Aidan does do weird things but I think you are pregnant"

As she said you put the bowl of ice cream down stood up and said

"So you think I'm pregnant"

"Well you show the signs, you throw up in the morning and feel fine during the day, you eat weird things well ice cream isn't weird but it is when you eat it at like eight in the morning so yea you might be pregnant"

As she said that you looked down at your stomach and smiled at the thought of being a mother of one of Aidan's child then you looked Lenora and said

"Maybe I am"

As you said that she smiled then chucked you your jacket so you caught it and when you did you put it on then said

"Where are we going"

With that she put on her shoes so you put your boots on then she looked at you and said

"We are going to the hospital to see if you are pregnant because I reckon you are and if you that would be so cute seeing Aidan with a baby and joy just any baby the love of his life baby so come on let go"

With that she grabbed your hand so you let out a small laugh then got in the car and drove to the hospital to see if you are pregnant.

Hey guys please don't forget to vote and comment what you think and thanks for the votes on my other stories it means a lot, thank you much and sorry if this chapter sucks but thank you much 😘😘✌🏻️

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