Chap 1 ❇

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Tray pov

What tf is going on?😕

Lucas:*rolls up on him*WTF yo ass do to her nigga?😠

Tray:nigga I didn't do shit to her😯 .... (gco)

Makayla:*runs to Lucas*STFU, shesh Lucas Yn needs you,come on *pulls him to the girl restroom 😂😂😂

N/A:so Makayla pull Lucas to the stall you were at but when they got there you(Yn) were gone. ...

Lucas:Makayla? Where did she go😤😢?


Lucas:*yells*what you mean you don't know😠*tearing up*😢

Makayla:I don't know *crying*I'm so sorry*😣😭


Tray:aye is everything. .. *paused*where is Yn?😣

N/A:Queen,Nate and Will came along too. ...😦


😿OMFG Wtf just happen to me, it's so fucking dark in here*crying*please Lucas come fucking save me.😭😭😭....

Endof POV

N/A: you were in the back of a trunk and someone open it and pick up up and carry you out and drop you on the ground. .....

Yn:*crying*ouch, fuck. ...

???:*deep voice but sounded familiar*get yo ass up

Yn:*you do what he said and tearing up *who...who r u?

???:*yells*none of your damn business,now turn away from me

Yn:wh...why.. (gco)

???:just turn fucking around bitch. ..

Yn:*talking to her self and praying *plz lord plzz help me get out of this plzz, I'm begging you,if I dying right now Lucas would probably never know I'm the mother of his child. ..*sobbing*

???:*over heard what you said,and felt guilty*Yn right?

Yn:*turn back around*yeah that's me. you know my. .. (gco)

???:shit, I can't do this. ..*took out his gun and start shooting the sky and came up to you to pistol whip you and made you knock out and got in the car *

Chantel:what happened?

Mya:did you do your job?

???:took of the mask and it was Nolen *yep, I told you I can handle it. let's go *pulls off in his car and took off like a rocket...

Yn Inside thoughts(dreaming). ....*you were in a white dress like an angel with roses around you on the ground and you look up and you were on a field of happiness with the sun out *

Yn:Whoa,where am I? *looking around and you see some man wearing a white suit and a lil girl wearing a white dress giggling*Hello???

???:Yn, it's that you? ??

Yn: Dillyn? *runs up to him and hugs him tight and tears started to fall*am I'm dead

Dillyn:no u just got knocked out for a while ,Nolen,Chantel and Mya set you and Lucas up. ...

Yn:ugh I freaking knew it. ...*you look at the lil girl who was giggling earlier*hi

Lil girl:hi,*pulls on Dillyn and whisper to him *who is that uncle?

Dillyn:Lily, this is your mother,Yn ...

Lily:mommy*hugs her*

Yn:*amazingly surprise tears* you look beautiful Lily*got down to her level and hugs her*wow just like me and your dad....*pauses*

Lily:*smiles*thank you mommy...*looks at Yn*you okay mommy?

Dillyn:Yn?you okay. ..

Yn:Lucas,*tearing up* he wasn't there to save me, wasn't he?

Dillyn:he didn't know where you went?

Yn:*looks at Lily*Aye baby go play so where I can see you okay,mommy got to talk to Uncle Dillyn. ...

Lily:okay mommy*pick a rose off the ground and start playing with it*

Yn:looks at Lily with enjoyment in her eyes smiling, then turns back to Dillyn * what you mean?

Dillyn:I'm saying was, that night he was set up too....Mya, Chantel,And Nolen was all there too.....

Yn:of course Mya. ...

Dillyn:I'm sorry Yn

Yn:*shakes her head*why this keep happening to me*tearing up*

Lily:*runs to Yn*mommy don't cry*hugs Yn and smiles*everything is going to finish out all right....*smiles*

Yn :*looks at her smiling*oh Lily,my sweet lily

N/A:wind starts to blow and all you saw was white roses blowing in the air with the wind coming towards you....

Dillyn:anything you want to say before she goes Lily?

Lily:*I luv you mommy*kisses her face and handed her a white rose and whispers in your ears *but you gotta wake up mommy.....*giggling and you was drifting off thru the white roses. ..*

Yn:*waking up in the hospital bed and look down in your hand and it was a white rose*I luv you too Lily....*kisses the Rose*

N/A:you sat up and look on the side and notice an man who was sleeping on the chair,he dark skin ,he slept with his mouth kinda opened😂 but he had some gold teeth, hairstyle was braids kinda like Dreads. ....

???:*the man wakes up*oh hey Yn, you feel better. ..

Yn:uh kinda,wait who are you?

???:it's me Aaliyah, Rakim , your Father?... (gco)

Yn:*gets up from the bed and hugs him*you finally got out,I miss you. ...😣

Rakim:i miss you too baby girl ...

Yn:*let's go of him*

Rakim:you're auntie Is coming to get you


Rakim:what's up?

Yn:nothing I thought I would at least hang with you a lil bit before you go. ..

Rakim:kk I'll stay until your aunt comes


Rakim:so how is my boy,Greg doing?😊

Yn:he doing good😃

Rakim:he still low key gay isn't he?😕


Rakim:never mind about that, I just wanna know if he's okay

Yn:yeah he is


N/A:do Rakim told you everything about his life and your about when you were younger,how he meet you mom and where Greg was from. ...

Yn:wait,so Greg wasn't adopted,his mother is Rihanna?😯

Rakim:yeah but I just stuck with him being adopted ....he would be shock about Riri being his mother. ..😅

Yn:yeah he would. ..😅

N/A:so by the time your auntie came Rakim gave a kiss on your forehead and left and auntie came and got you and took you home. ...


TBC ....

Stay tuned for more information on Tame, I'm back my loves 😍❤✌

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