After the tour...

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You and Luigi are red as tomatoes. Then Daisy comes over. You think: 'oh no not HER again...' She gives you another look that probably means 'Stop stealing MY Luigi'. "Uh... hi Daisy..." Luigi says to her. "Oh. Hey Luigi!" she says back. That's nothing but what WAS interesting was that her face changed in half-a-heartbeat. Her face was sour then sweet. 'What was THAT all about???' You wonder in your head. "Uh... hey Daisy, Have you met (Y/N)?" Luigi asks Daisy. "Oh... yes..." she says in like what sounds like she wanted to change the subject. " So... Uh... Daisy how long have you been here?" you ask wishing for her to just move along. "Huh? Oh. Um... well I was just visiting Peach for the month. I just got here so... yeah." she says looking down at the floor. Luigi was looking back and forth at you two like he was watching a old fashioned clock. "LUIGI! (Y/N)! Where are you guys?" Mario calls for you, eager to keep going on with the tour. "Well we better go Daisy. I'll see you at the star festival tomorrow night!" Luigi says to Daisy with a relieved face. "Oh. Okay! See you there Luigi!" she calls back at him. "Man I thought that was never going to end." you tell Luigi. "I can definitely agree to THAT." Luigi says back. "So uh (Y/N), you want to be friends? I mean like just friends not like boyfriend and girlfriend. Like you know, just friends." Luigi says red as hot sauce. "Sure Luigi! I'd love to be friends!" you say happily. After the tour, you go home and make yourself (F/F). After your done, there were 3 little knocks on your door. You open the door and you see Luigi standing there with your jacket. "Uh... you forgot your jacket at the castle so I thought that I might bring it to you because... well... there's this thing that once you lose something, it won't  come back to you. So I thought I might tell you that for next time or something. Ya know?" Luigi says all at once but you still understand him and you take you jacket and wish Luigi a good night. Luigi blushes when you say good night to him and he says good night back. You close your door and you get ready for bed. Once your in your bed, the only thing you could think is: 'I finally have a friend.'           

Until we meet again (Luigi x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt