The Awkwardness at (Y/N)'s House

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Luigi's POV 

I sat in my room the next day and I started to think a bit. I sat in my room for like 2 hours and I JUST noticed that my hat isn't on me anymore. I looked everywhere even OUTSIDE the house. I almost quit on looking until I noticed that there is one place where I didn't check. (Y/N) house. Oh boy... I knocked on the door and waited. Well what ever(Y/N) is doing, she isn't in any rush on opening the door. I turn the knob and the door opened by its self. I pushed the door all the WAY open and I knew that there was no turning back. I went inside and checked all the rooms except the master bedroom. Where (Y/N) is. And I think I hear the shower now... oh boy... 

Your POV 

Okay you were just about to take a shower and you forgot your towel. You rap your self up in a bathroom towel and you went to go get it. You open the door and you see Luigi standing there. Your all like: WTH? What is HE doing here? I'm in a TOWEL for Pete's sake. Doesn't this guy know how to KNOCK? "Gah!!! Uh..  Luigi... what are you doing here? And why are you not wearing your hat?" You stammer. "Oh uh... (Y/N)... first of all let me say that those are cute," he says. You think that he's talking about       ' those' but then you see him pointing at your feet. You look down and you see your toenails that just got painted (F/C) and green. "Oh uh... thank you Luigi..." "And second of all, I uh... lost my hat. Have you seen it?" "Oh... sorry Luigi... I didn't." " Oh okay then I'll be on my way... oh and you really need to lock your door for when you take a shower." Then Luigi leaves. Your face turns like 50 shades of red. (Haha! See what I did there?) Your REALLY embarrassed. You close your door and lock it. Then you take your shower.

Until we meet again (Luigi x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن