When a princess gets jealous

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The next day, everyone is forced to eat all 3 meals in the cafeteria. The second you heard about that, you were all like 'This place has a cafeteria???' You go there anyway because it's a rule in the Mushroom Kingdom. You have to go there daily like every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You think that it's a stupid rule... until you find out that Luigi will be there. For some reason, you have never been so happy in your life to just see a boy. You think that your in love but you keep denying it. In the cafeteria, the first person you see is Princess Daisy. You wonder 'What is SHE doing here?' You go over any way acting like you didn't notice her. You get some pancakes with chocolate chips in it. You turn around and you find a table with no one there. You forgot to get a drink so you go to get some (F/D). Once when you get some, you turn around and run right smack into some person in the line. "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going and I didn't see you either I'm sooo sorry!" You say in one sentence. You grab a handful of napkins and you rub them in the person's shirt. You spilled like your whole entire drink on them and you had no idea who the person was... until you looked up at him. It was Luigi who was next in line just to get some water. "Uh... no it's okay (Y/N). It was my fault for running into you...although I just need water..." Luigi says blushing so hard in his whole inter life. Once when Luigi looked clean enough, you got a refill and you sat down. Two minutes later someone walks up to you. You hoped that it was Luigi but it turn out to be Daisy. "You think your so special. Well guess what? Me and Luigi are Boyfriend and Girlfriend." She says red as a tomato. You couldn't believe what she said. BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND??? But Luigi said that he was single... or was he? You decide to find out. "Hey weegee. Are you and Daisy dating?" You ask him the weird thing is that you and Luigi sat all alone only at the other side of the cafeteria. "Ew. That is gross. Why on EARTH would I date DAISY? (Y/N) your crazy." Luigi said turning a little green when you asked the question. "But she TOLD me that you two are a couple. Are you not?" "GROSS! (Gags for like forever) PLEASE DON'T BRING THAT UP AGAIN (Y/N). (More gagging noises)" Luigi yells at you and started to turn a little more green. You are shocked at what he said until he was done with the gagging he said: "Well Daisy always acts like we're a couple. But that right there is totally gross. Why would she say such things to you (Y/N)?" "I don't know... she's probably jealous I guess..." but by then, Breakfast was over and you and Luigi went your own separate ways. But during the time your all like: 'Why would she DO that? Hum... I need to get her back...' 

Until we meet again (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now