Part 33

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When you promise yourself you won't let anyone in.
You keep that promise so they won't see deep enough past your skin.
But when someone gets past that barrier it's hard to tear away.
The panic inside you has only begun
And you'll never see past what you've
You'll stay up at nights Crying on end
Choking to death by the silence strangling you to not let anyone hear.
Your chest hurts and you scratch
At it to stop this pain
For I am the only one to blame.
I apologize for fucking up.
I'm not worthy you and don't deserve you.
He heard me cry and tried to hold
On tight.
But I yelled at him to go to sleep
I don't want him to see.
The beast inside of me that has finally
Taking every feeling that I could take
Rubbing the blade against my skin
Watching the blood splatter
On the floor beneath me.
I can't hold on like this anymore
Stop trying to save me
When you are only trying to save yourself
From pain that you will soon gain
Showing the true colors
Of how much I never let you in.
Take my advice and leave me
For this is the ending to
The sad me.

Loud Pøetry Spilled From The Quiet SoulWhere stories live. Discover now