Part 49

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(No one from school)
Dear boy,
You can't wake up from this reality because this is not a dream.
You may think cutting it close to the vein and getting high may help you get closer,
But it's just feeding the Demons and making them scream louder
Until they finally hit the impulse button making you swallow the bottle filled with joy and cutting deeper as you out the gun to your chest.
But the shadows start talking and there whispers become screams and they begin to see you for what miserable monster you really are.
So pull the trigger and become another status that has been added to the charts for which you check everyday to see if you are any better than them.
But you know you aren't.
Because your just as insane as they are.
Your cut just as bad as them and sometimes worse going down the road then you ever did cross it.
Then you find you yourself
entering the black hole you called

Loud Pøetry Spilled From The Quiet SoulWhere stories live. Discover now