Part 73

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No words can comprehend one's sorrow...
No song can sing the right words and play the right cords to express ones pain...

No matter how many times you tell yourself that it's going to be
It won't.
Your heart falters,
You feel like you're stumbling
Into the hands of the shadows..
You called out but your voice
Richochetted off nothing and
Caged your voice to into silence.
You tried to reach out but no one can see past your glossy eyes
Or your plastic smile
Long enough to ask
"Are you okay?"
Just for a second you take your mask off..
Just for a second you let go
And everyone around you
Becomes transparent to you.
A ghost.
Like they were never there.
It's funny when you tell people the truth..
How easily.
They snap and walk away.
We are all just ghosts I this giant
Waiting to be stabbed in the heart by society and ripped of your
But all we can say is
"I'm fine"

Hey its Adam! Clark hasn't been feeling to we'll so I decided to post one of my poems. Hope you enjoyed!

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