Part 84

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That moment of when your chest tightens.
When your heart feels like stained glass that has just shattered.
Your lungs punctured and caused anxiety.
Your fists turned into balls that smashed against your white porcelain skin.
And turned into black and blue art.
Your tears stain your cheeks and burn into your flesh.
Every breathe
A painful reminder that you are not enough.
That you could not make them happy.
That you could not do anything.
You are worthless.
You are drowning slowly in your own
Thoughts that have left screams in the wind for your ears to take apart.
You find yourself gasping for air.
Reaching out in hope that he will grab your hand and pull you back in.
But. The shadows pull you further in.
There kisses leaving scars against your soft wrists.
Tainting your eyes and removing the light.

OKAY. I was trying to write how my heart break felt but I can not explain it. It was the most agonizing pain I've ever felt. Every breathe was a chaotic blast to my lungs and every heart beat I felt myself fall apart even more.
It was so painful that when I sliced that nalde across my skin I felt NOTHING. just a lot of blood poured out. And dripped onto the floor.And every tear I shead burned like the fires of hell I thought I escaped.
So naive.

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