Chapter Two

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Alexis P.O.V

Three days had passed since my beating. We were fed and got water, and did as we were told. Sometimes I would rebel, he would 'punish' me for it. After the conversation with Kyle on the first day I came, I hadn't spoken to him since other then the occasional, "don't go into the bathroom" since it didn't have a lock.

I spent most of my time wondering what was to come of us, and why we were here. So far it was just the two of us, but I often heard Jackson on the phone, calling about buying two more beds.

The door opened and two trays were pushed in as usual. Only this time we only had on bread and one water bottle. I wanted to cry I was starving. But I wouldn't. Not until I was free.

Kyle's voice broke my thoughts "How should we share it?"

I didn't feel like eating no matter how hungry I was. If I waited long enough, maybe I would starve and this would be over. "No you eat it. I'm not hungry." I lied and walked to the bathroom.

On the second day Jackson undid our shackles. Thankfully. It was terrible sitting in that position. When i got into the bathroom i closed the door, and stripped down and put my clothes in the sink, washing them. When they were done, I let it dry on the floor, and stepping into the shower, letting the cold water numb the pain of my bruises and cuts.

Maybe if I wasn't enjoying the cold shower so much I would have heard Jackson step into the bathroom. Maybe if I payed attention the sounds around me I could have heard him opening the curtain. Maybe if I would have put up more of a fight.

I wouldn't have been beaten with a belt while I was wet and naked.

"This is all your fault!" He shouted at me. Even as I was being beat I did not cry, I simply closed my eyes and shouted at him to stop. "If you hadn't been so easy to fool the police wouldn't be suspecting me!" He shouted at me. "You told someone! Who did you tell? How did you get a message out?" He shouted at me.

"I swear I didn't tell anyone! I can't! Maybe they just-" I began.

"NO." He shouted unleashing the belt on my back. "You told someone! Who and how did you tell?!"

After an hour of being questioned and hit, he left. The only bright side was that they suspected him. They were on to him.

I lied on the bathroom floor bloodied and bruised too weak to get up. After and couple of hours of sitting on the floor, I heard a knock.

"Alexis?" It was Kyle. "Are you okay?" He was speaking from outside the door.

"Yeah. I'm just dandy." I said letting the sarcasm drip on my tongue.

He ignored my attempt of telling me to leave. "Do you need any help? You've been in there for a while."

"I'm fine." I said. "Just go to sleep or something." I told him, trying to get him to leave. He didn't answer.

I used all of my strength to put my now bloodied clothes on. I opened to door to see Kyle sitting by it. I didn't acknowledge him, I just walked slowly over to my bed and collapsed. Letting my dreams take over.

Kyle's P.O.V.

I watched Alexis as she laid down on her bed. I saw the small limp she had an how bloodied her clothes were. I had heard she was beaten but I really didn't think it had been that bad.

Jackson had hit me a few times while she was in the shower, and I knew how to not fight back anymore.

She fell onto her bed and I could tell she was asleep the second she hit the mattress.

I stood up about 15 minutes later and walked over to her, moving her hair out from her face. She let out a sigh and flung her arm over the bed and I stood up, walking quietly away to my own bed.

I laid down and let out a sigh, trying to fall asleep. About an hour later I rolled over with a defeated sigh. I just couldn't fall asleep.

I got up and went to the bathroom, grabbing a few rags and running some water over them.

I walked out to Alexis and moved the hair away from where it had returned on her harmed face.

I pulled the rag up to a cut on her forehead and began to calmly and slowly scrub the blood away. I did the rest to her legs, stomach, and arms before getting another small rag and placing it over her forehead.

She let out a small moan, showing she was waking up, and I quickly gathered my rags and rushed into the bathroom. I washed the hints of blood away from the rags as she made noises showing she was awake.

I laid the rags out on the sink to dry and walked out of the bathroom. "Hey there." I smiled slightly.

She glanced up at me then rolled her eyes, the usual hello from her. She's still upset at me from the first night, I could tell.

"Hey..." I muttered, and she looked up at me. "I'm sorry that you remembered what happened."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"Okay, what I meant was, I'm sorry for being rude about it. It wasn't anything to laugh about." I tried again.

She raise an eyebrow. "I'm listening."

I walked over and lowered my voice. "We need to find a way to get out of here."

"Nah dip sherlock." She whispered.

"Well, I mean. We haven't done anything, and neither has he. All he has done is beat us." I explained. "Do you know what he could want from us?"

"Not a clue." She replied, letting out a sigh.

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