Chapter Twelve

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Kyle's P.O.V

I watched over her as she lay in the hospital bed, laying still as ever. I watched her to see if anything had changed. Any movements that could catch my eye, but nothing happened. She just lay there, silently still.

The only thing that kept me going was seeing her chest rise and fall, showing she was alive.

The door opened, "Kyle, it's time to go home honey, Kaden is waiting for you out front." Nurse Joy told me. I stayed where I was.

"How long until visiting time is over?" I asked.

She sighed. "Three more hours" I nodded.

"I'll go when it's time" I said.

She frowned. "No. You come here everyday waiting for her. It's time you go out and live. Now go with Kaden before I call security" she said

I stayed where I was.

"Kyle, it's been Six months. We will call if something happens. Please. Go home" I sighed and left the hospital.

Kadens car waited for me, "hey Kyle." He said. We both have been waiting for Alexis to wake from her a coma. She has been asleep since we got out, and her body just shut down from the loss of blood and injuries.

Kaden and I have become close friends both of us losing the girl we love. But Kaden is a good guy, he doesn't mind when I talk about the times we had together or how I like her. He smiles and listens.

He's become my closest friend.

My phone went off, I didn't really care.

"Kaden where are you taking me?"

"We're going to-" his phone went off. He rolled his eyes and picked it up, "hello?" He listened and his eyes grew wide.

"Of course. Thank you." He ended the call and made an immediate U-Turn.

"Kaden, what happened?" I asked,

"She's awake"

By the time it took me to understand that she was awake, we had reached the hospital.

We were running to her room.

Nurse joy stopped us right outside her room. "Only one visitor at a time. You know that." She scolded us.

"She wants to see a 'Kaden'" She said.

Kaden patted my shoulder and went inside.

It was almost an hour before he finally came out. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "Your turn"

I walked in the room and closed the door. She looked at me.

"Hello" She said.

I walked in and gave her a hug. "I'm so happy to see you awake."

She nodded, a confused look on her face.

She stayed quiet, and I was unsure what to do.

"How do you feel? Would you like some water? I can go get-" I began

"I'm really sorry." She interrupted. "I... I don't know who you are."

I froze. This couldn't be real. "Of course you do. We were kidnapped and locked up together for a month."

She gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry, but you don't need to make anything up. The doctor already told me I was mugged and stabbed, my body shut down from loss of blood and I had memory loss. I don't remember it but it explains why I'm here." She gave me a small smile.

I looked at her in disbelief. "He lied. The doctor lied. You have to remember, we spent days and night together. We kissed, we saved each other's lives-"

"No. That didn't happen." She said sternly. "Yes it did!" I shouted. "Kaden!" She shouted. The doctor and Kaden ran in. "What's the matter?" Kaden asked. "He's freaking me out." She said referring to me.

"You lied to her. You just lied to her face. How will you explain her mom? Jackson? Roslyn?" The doctor signed. He pulled me over away from them and spoke softly so they couldn't hear us.

"She doesn't remember anything. As of now, she thinks her mother is away on a work trip, we will make up and accident later. She doesn't know who Roslyn, or Jackson is."

"Go to hell!" I shouted at the doctor. Alexis perked up when she heard this, she acted as if something clicked in her minded. She was putting pieces together. Although she said nothing.

"We should go." Kaden said putting a hand on my shoulder. I brushed it off.

"Fine lets get out of here."

Kaden and I were almost to the car when Alexis walked out. She came up to me. "I... Umm" my hopes grew, she remember she had to. "I ... Uh... I don't know who you are physically. But while I was in a coma, I had dreams about a green eyed boy being locked away with me.

We had fights and we laughed together, we talked and we... We loved each other." She looked down. "I don't remember actually doing all of this, but the doctor says most of my dreams are from actual events." She looked down.

"Is your name Kyle?" She asked.

I smiled so widely I thought my cheeks would brake.

" Kyle Anderlane " I said.

She jumped out and gave me a hug. "Well Kyle."

"I love you."

I looked down and hugged her even tighter.

"I love you too."


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