Chapter Three

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Alexis p.o.v

Once having my small conversation with Kyle about why we were here I noticed most of my cuts had been cleaned. I saw him sitting by the bolted shut window with bars and walked over.

I sat on the opposite side of him. He wasn't all that bad looking. From his ivy green eyes, to the gray sweater he came In with. He looked good in the moonlight. I realized to late he caught me staring at him. I looked away quickly.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

He looked at me and smirked. "For what?" He may be cute but he was annoying.

"What do you think?" I said. He laughed. I smiled.

His laugh was nice. Calming. I looked away. No. I was going to be with Kaden. We had already planned on going to prom together. I sighed thinking about him.

My childhood friend and soon to be boyfriend. He must be looking for me.

I looked at my reflection in the window to see my bright blue eyes. And looked over to see his ivy green ones. I caught him looking at me and smirked.

"Like what you see?" I asked. He laughed and didn't answer.

The door opened loudly. Jackson came in. He seemed happy. "I'll let you two know that I have found our third guest! He will be arriving tomorrow morning." He smiled. "Three down. One to go. It won't be long until the operation. Maybe two weeks." he looked between Kyle and me. "I have a surprise for you two when he gets here." He smiled evilly.

He looked directly at me. And then left, locking the doors.

I looked at Kyle, he looked scared. "Don't worry someone will come find us." He sighed. "But why does he need four people? You're missing the little details." he told me. I laughed.

"What does it matter? If its four or ten. If no one finds us we die either way." I looked at the ground. Truly terrified of what would happen tomorrow. I couldn't show Kyle. He would pity me. I had enough pity to last a life time.

"Kyle." I said. He looked up.

"Can you tell me about yourself?" I asked, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Um. Yeah, sure. I mean, what would you like to know?" He questioned.

"Just tell me about yourself."

"Well, um, I am an only child, and my father left when I was 3 years old. I'm on the a/b honor roll, though I don't boast about it. My favorite color is Green, I love ramen, my favorite kind is beef. I love chocolate cookies, and the show Doctor Who, I take yoga and I'm in Karate classes. My favorite class is English because I have a wild imagination, I only have a few friends, one of them being the famous football star Daniel, and I-"

I cut him off. "Daniel GREY?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah I get that a lot. Yes him." He answered. "May I continue?"

I nodded sheepishly.

"I love to run, I am bipolar, I can put up a fight usually, with words and with my own hands... And never in my life did I imagine I would be taken and kidnapped." He let out a small laugh and looked at the floor.

I looked at him with fascination and gave a small smile. "Me either, Kyle."

"Promise me something." He said, looking up at me.


"Promise me that if we get out alive, you'll keep in touch with me?" He said, "No one has ever stayed by my side."

I have him a small smile. "We will make it out alive, trust me. And, I promise I'll do my best"

He gave me a small smile back and looked out the window. "I just wish I knew what he wanted." He said, tears filling his eyes.

"I really don't know... Since he's bringing in others. Who knows..." I sighed.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I was so tired. Thanks again for, uh, cleaning, uh, yeah. Thanks for taking care of me." I said awkwardly.

"I just couldn't handle to see you look like that." He said, looking over at my bloody sheets. "I'll clean those up tomorrow."

I opened my mouth to protest but he raised his hand up. "You don't have a choice but to let me." He smiled, dropping his hand.

We dropped into a nice silence for a while until I spoke up. "Hey Kyle?"

He looked at me from under his hair. "Yeah?"

"Think you could teach me karate a little bit?" I asked, giving a small smile.

Heat out a short laugh and nodded. "For sure."


I didn't have the heart to tell him I was already very well in a fight, I just had to be ready for it. He seemed alright. He was good to talk to.

I fell asleep on the floor, listening to him talk. I woke up leaning against the window. Kyle was still asleep, just as I was about to wake him the door opened.

"Wake up! Today is a special day!" Jackson burst

Kyle woke up. "Why?" He yawned.

He looked at me. "Today we get to see Alexis' funeral."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "What?" He had to be joking.

He slid a picture to me. It was my friends and family, wearing all black near a grave. A priest giving a prayer. Jackson was comforting my mom, Jenesa my best friend was crying. Kaden had no expression. I stated at Kaden. Jackson's face hardened when he saw me look at Kaden. "That kid needs to learn that your dead." He growled.

"He knows I'm alive?" I asked hope in each of my words. "He THINKS your alive." He started walking to the door "You won't be for long." He muttered,

Slamming the door.

I stated at the picture. No one would be looking for me. I was dead. I was gone. Taken by some 'People In The woods'

I did not cry I just stared. Kyle looked at me and tried to lighten the mood. "So I guess I've been living with a ghost huh?" I didn't say anything I just nodded.

The door opened again. And in came Jackson dragging the third prisoner. A guy I didn't recognize him. He seemed my age but he didn't go to my school. His eyes were a bright brown mixed with hazel. Something you don't see a lot. He was passed out.

Jackson tossed him next to us and fell with a 'Thud'

Then he left without a word.

Slowly the prisoners eyes opened. He looked at me. "Where am I?" He asked his voice cracking. He was probably beyond thirsty. I was when I came too.

"Kyle help me get him to the bathroom." I said. Kyle didn't move just stared. "Kyle. Help me." He still didn't move. I sighed and with all my might put his arm around my shoulder and dragged him to the bathroom.

I turned the sink on and and used my hands as a cup to give him water. When he had enough strength to stand I left him in there and closed the door.

Kyle watched me. "Why did you help him?" He asked.

"The time for story's is over, I am dead to everyone I know. My only hope of surviving is you, and that new guy. When Jackson finds the last person he's looking for, were finished."

I looked at Kyle. "Please." I said begging him now. "Please help me get home."

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